Kristi Eramo O’Connell Shares Her Pre-Workout Running Routine

Seven-time CrossFit Games athlete Kristi Eramo O’Connell has transitioned to hybrid training after nine years of competitive functional fitness. She’s prepping for her HYROX debut at the 2024 HYROX Houston contest on March 16, 2024.
O’Connell’s training prioritizes running to ensure her engine is capable of the eight 1,000-meter runs featured in every HYROX race. On Feb. 18, 2024, O’Connell shared her pre-workout running routine in a video on her YouTube channel. Check it out below:
O’Connell’s training schedule includes running four days per week — two low-intensity sessions, one high-intensity session, and one endurance run that lasts approximately 90 minutes. She supplemented all of that with cross-training. The video above demonstrated one of the high-intensity workouts comprised of running intervals ranging from 200 to 1,200 meters.
Pre-Workout Meal
O’Connell eats a light snack of creamy almond butter on sourdough bread with a sliced banana and a drizzle of honey 60 to 90 minutes before running on the track.
Eat Light & Hydrate
While cautioning against running on a full stomach, O’Connell suggests having a light meal to avoid feeling drained during the run.
If you get something in your stomach…not overly full, you will enjoy your runs and workouts way more.
O’Connell highlighted the importance of staying hydrated before a run. She enhances her water with electrolytes to prevent cramping, which are depleted through sweat on hot days. (1) Her LMNT mix contains 1,000 milligrams of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium. It is free of sugar and artificial sweeteners and is gluten-free.
Warm Up Before Run
Prior to her run, O’Connell diligently warms up her glutes and hamstrings to relax her mid-line.
When running hard, think about that rotation that happens; we need to stabilize our pelvis to support us…so we can be efficient.
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O’Connell deals with some Achilles discomfort, thus she begins her warm-up by focusing on her Achilles, calves, and ankles. Leaning against a wall with her palms, she gently bends her knees to experience a thorough stretch and promote circulation. Subsequently, she eases out of the stretch and performs a calf raise. She repeats this for 20-30 seconds, aiming for 10-15 repetitions.
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Glute Bridges & Hamstring Curls
O’Connell performed a three-part hamstring series: starting with a straight leg glute bridge, then progressing to a glute bridge with flexion, and finally incorporating extensions for hamstring curls using a rowing machine. Although she suggests using a stability ball, she uses a rowing machine bench as a substitute.
Banded Deadbugs & High Knee Drives
To conclude her warm-up, O’Connell does banded dead bugs and resistance band high knee drives. The dead bugs engage her hip flexors and core muscles, while the banded high knees target tight hips and the psoas muscles. Afterward, she completes a mile jog to the track.
O’Connell’s HYROX training comprises five to six sets of 1,000-meter runs, each followed by a 200-meter light jog. Her fastest one-kilometer time on the day was 3:47. She jogged home for her cool down, stretched, and refueled with a big post-workout meal.
After intense lower-body training days prior, O’Connell said her “feet were bricks” during the session. While she pushes through tough training days, O’Connell stressed the importance of integrating deload weeks into programming.
You can’t stay at your leanest and fittest all year round.
O’Connell describes her fitness journey as a series of peaks and valleys. Overall, it is a linear progression with consistency — something to be proud of at the end of the day.
- Shirreffs SM, Sawka MN. Fluid and electrolyte needs for training, competition, and recovery. J Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S39-46. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.614269. PMID: 22150427.
Featured image: @kristieramo on Instagram
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