Jeremy Potvin Has Decided to Move to the Classic Physique

Jeremy Potvin is making a change in his career.
It appears that changes are on the horizon for Jeremy Potvin. The Men’s Physique competitor has made the decision to switch to the Classic Physique division. This move could completely change the trajectory of his bodybuilding career.
Change can be a great thing. One cannot remain stagnant and hope to get to the next level. In order to do that it requires challenging yourself to do better. That’s exactly what Jeremy Potvin has decided to do.
A staple of the Men’s Physique division, Jeremy Potvin has acquired himself well in the category. With a heavily muscled upper body, Potvin has always cut an impressive frame. But his last few Olympia appearances have seen him place outside the top of the division.
Change Is Coming
Looking to make a change, Jeremy Potvin appears to be making a decision to switch divisions.
It’s time for a new journey and a new challenge. #classicphysique
It’s clear that Jeremy Potvin has given some serious thought to making this change. The Men’s Physique competitor is choosing a different path, one that will prove to be an interesting challenge. Standing out in the Classic Physique division will be no easy task, but Potvin appears motivated.
I can still add 27lbs before I reach the 180lbs weight cap for classic at my height. However, that’s not my goal. I just want to create something that flows nicely.
Now that I can finally train with significantly reduced knee pain, the work will be put in.
I have a lot of ppl in my corner that will be helping with my progress every step of the way.
Mentality and work ethic is everything. I’m going to make it happen.
Clearly Jeremy Potvin has thought this through well. With his mission to make gains, Potvin has some clear goals and looks like he’s well on his way to making his vision a reality.
What do you think of Jeremy Potvin making the move to Classic Physique?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.