Kai Greene Reveals Incredible Physique at 317Lbs

Kai Greene reveals an impressive physique.
While he may or may not make a return to action, Kai Greene is proving he still has it. Recently Kai revealed his impressive 317lb physique and he looks jacked and shredded.
Kai Greene is an absolute beast of a man. The veteran bodybuilder is always putting in work and keeping himself in great condition. Whether he is looking to step on stage or simply maintain his condition, Kai is always pushing himself to be the best version of himself.
Rumors have been circulating that Kai Greene has been flirting with the idea of a comeback. Many of these rumors have been debunked in the past. So many people have been waiting fir him to make a return to the stage in recent years. Despite that fact, Kai hasn’t made a competitive appearance since 2017. With that said, he’s still maintained his incredible condition.
Recently Kai shared a physique update on his social media. While it wasn’t necessarily out of the norm, what was truly shocking was the reveal that Kai currently weighs 317lbs.
While he may be weighing in over 300lbs, Kai Greene is looking just as jacked and shredded as ever. His physique looks so impressive in fact that he looks stage ready.
Kai Greene never fails to impress. He truly looks impressive and could easily be competitive against any of the top pros in the world. With many people wondering if Kai will compete again, this recent update lends credence to the idea that he could make a return.
What do you think of Kai Greene and his current physique?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.