The ONE Bodybuilder I’d Coach (If I Could Pick ANY in History)! #askDave

0:00 – Intro
3:19 – What compound can help with last fat loss for female competitor? I don’t use clenbuterol, it makes me flat and weird when I train, same with majority of the fat burners in herb form. Nolvadex last time gave me major hair loss so that is out of the picture too. So, I can use HGH and T3, what else would you add to that stack? Any peptides?
7:05 – If there was any bodybuilder – IN HISTORY – that you would want to coach most, who would it be?
8:55 – How do you protect your heart while on gear?
13:15 – Athletes are a lot more open and transparent about gear use today, but everyone pretends that they’re not using SEO’s. Is it uncommon or are people afraid of stigma?
15:44 – Just suffered a pretty significant knee injury at 32 and my no longer doctor and ortho both said “rest and ice” is the preferred treatment for a torn mcl and meniscus. Obviously if I was a pro athlete “rest and ice” would not have been prescribed. This is my last straw trusting the everyday physicians. I would like to know what anabolics would best help with recovering from this injury and are there longevity docs that prescribe such things or is a trip south necessary instead? My family needs me to be back to work asap to pay the bills.
20:52 – Your keys to longevity in bodybuilding – outside of just genetics?
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