Lukas Osladil: “Young Bodybuilders Don’t Care About Their Health”

Lukas Osladil makes a plea for younger bodybuilders to “stop and think” about their future health.
It’s a natural part of the human condition to be somewhat short sighted. Youth is wasted on the young – as they say. This holds true for health in bodybuilding. Young bodybuilders may feel immortal so they are more willing to push the boundaries of what is healthy in hopes of becoming a legend. Sadly, these actions might not have consequences until much later down the line of life. Lukas Osladil is a bodybuilder who has always tried to balance his health with the risks of Men’s Open bodybuilding. He notices many young bodybuilders are taking bigger risks – and fears for what that might lead to in the future. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Lukas Osladil discusses health in bodybuilding and the different perspectives between young and older competitors.
Lukas Osladil made a pretty memorable statement during our video conversation: “I am always concerned for my health.” It’s a sort of self awareness that you don’t always see in competitive bodybuilders. Men’s Open bodybuilding can be risky – like many other pro sports that test the limits of human potential. Osladil has always made sure to put just as much effort into his health as he does into his training and growth as an athlete.
This is why Lukas Osladil takes larger breaks between competition cycles. He learned the trick from Kevin Levrone, who would often takes three months off from heavy bodybuilding training to reset. This is a tactic he’s recently took on after many years of no breaks. Osladil thinks more bodybuilders should do this. He thinks that living the bodybuilding lifestyle 24/7 is dangerous and will lead to health complications.
Lukas Osladil is also happily being trained by George Farah, who in his later years has emphasized health in bodybuilding more than his past self. Osladil would like to think his outlook helped influence Farah’s training style over the years. He’s not sure if this is true – but in either case, he’s happy with the nice fit they have as bodybuilder and trainer.
Osladil also understands the catch 22 of pro bodybuilding. Namely, that younger bodybuilders will always take greater risks. Unfortunately, those risks don’t show health consequences until years later – when it’s too late to go back. Older bodybuilders understand how their health has been effected – and so take more precaution. But for many it’s too late by that point. Is it possible to overcome the confident cockiness of young athletes?
Lukas Osladil isn’t sure if it can be changed but he wants to use his platform as a pro to urge young bodybuilders to be more careful. He sees bodybuilders dying all around him and worries that it will get worse. He hopes young competitors can get a wake up call and start playing it safer with their health.
You can watch Lukas Osladil’s full comments on bodybuilding and health risks in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!