John Haack Bench Presses An Incredible 606Lbs in Recent Training

John Haack bench pressed an impressive 606lbs in recent training.
Well, it appears that he’s back at it again. Popular powerlifter John Haack has recently benched pressed an impressive 606lbs in training. Looking to dominate at the USPA Pro Raw competition, Haack has been doubling his efforts in training and has looked impressive in his pursuit of great strength.
One of the strongest human beings on the planet pound-for-pound, John Haack has constantly showcased some impressive strength during his career. As a powerlifter the goal is always to improve upon your strengths and weaknesses. All athletes understand the importance of making constant improvements in order to remain at the top of the food chain. For Haack that means never skipping steps in training and holing himself to a higher standard.
When he’s not breaking records in competition, you can always find John Haack at the gym pushing himself to his limit. His recent personal record squat shows that Haack is a powerlifter with considerable strength in every lift. In his most recent major accomplishment in training, Haack bench pressed a massive 606lbs. That is no small feat considering the man’s size.
John Haack competes between 198 and 220lbs at powerlifting meets. That means he’s often times lifting three times his body weight in the gym and in competition. That alone has garnered Haack a considerable amount of praise in the powerlifting industry.
Massive Strength
John Haack recently putting up 606lbs, nothing short of remarkable to behold. With the USPA Pro Raw meet approaching, Haack is leaving no stone unturned as he builds on his already considerable strength.
275kgs/606lbs for an RPE 8 With a nip slip. Nice little PB to finish off prep for the USPA Pro Raw.
Its clear that John Haack is one of the strongest competitors in the 198lb (90kg) and 220lb (100kg) powerlifting divisions. If he continues his steady growth there’s no telling how far he could go in regards to all-time great status.
What do you think of John Haack and his impressive 606lb bench press?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.