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Bikini Champion Karen Pang Dies In Tragic Snowmobile Accident

Canada’s own, Karen Pang was a retired Bikini competitor and model, with what seemed like a bright future. Unfortunately that future was tragically cut short, as she has passed away in a terrible accident.

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In her time competing, Pang won the Canadian Bodybuilding Federation National Championships on three occasions. Aside from that, she was also an accomplished model and personal trainer, as well as podcast host and owner of the bodybuilding posing suit company KaBling Designs.

Heartbreaking news emerged earlier this week, informing fans that Karen had tragically passed away. This came as a result of a snowmobile accident, although the exact details of the accident are still unclear.

This saddening announcement was made by Fitness competitor Whitney Johns, who was a friend to Karen Page. She posted to Instagram with a gut wrenching message, detailing the loss and the emotions she is feeling from it.

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My WuPang Angel ?? I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to wrap my head around losing you. It doesn’t seem real. Watching you leave this earth is something I will never get over and there will forever be a hole in my heart without you here. ⁣

As a friend you have shown up for me the way most people could only wish a best friend would. You showed up for a lot of people. You went out of your way for your friends and never faked the funk. You were a genuine soul and a good f—king person. ⁣

My road dog, nurse/mom, death metal DJ, comedic relief and the best Cher impersonator I’ve ever seen. You were truly my ride or die ?⁣

I know so many people will be hurting at the news of this. Karen passed in a snowmobiling accident yesterday afternoon. Nothing will ever ease the pain of losing such a bright light so young and unexpectedly. But, what I can say is that she spent her last moments having a blast, laughing her face off and felt no pain in her last breath.⁣

And as her sister said, she is with her Granny and Mom in heaven now and will be so happy to see them ??☁️ She is dearly missed by her father, sister, brother, sister-in-law and nephews ?⁣

I love and miss you so much already, Karen. My geisha girl, Sophia & Blanche, Thelma & Louise, WuPang clan forever ??⁣”

A GoFundMe has been set up to help cover the funeral costs for the family of Karen Pang. At the time of writing, it has already surpassed its $20,000 goal by about $6,000.

“All those who knew Karen, knew her for her huge heart, her sincere kindness, electric cackle, silly dance moves, love of 80s ballads, sassy mouth, and undying loyalty. She had a unique ability to make you feel seen, important, and loved,” the description of the fundraiser for Pang reads.

It is clear that anybody who knew Karen Pang had almost entirely positive things to say about her. She was seemingly a joy to be around, and loved to be the life of the party.

Fitness Volt would like to offer their condolences to her friends and family. She will certainly be very missed.


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