2023 Musclecontest Pacific USA Pro Men’s Physique Show Preview

35 IFBB Pro League Men’s Physique athletes will represent a combined eight countries when they step onstage at the 2023 Musclecontest Pacific USA Pro show in San Diego, CA, on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2023.
The winner of this show will earn qualification to compete at the 2023 Olympia Weekend in Orlando, FL, on Nov. 2-5, 2023. If the winner has already qualified for the Olympia, then no qualification will be awarded. The full roster is listed below in numerical order by the competitor numbers:
2023 Musclecontest Pacific USA Pro Roster
- 1 Mahmut Alan (Turkey)
- 2 Ommie Ali (UAE)
- 3 Jake Alvarez (USA)
- 4 Diogo Basaglia (Brazil)
- 5 Vincent Bell (USA)
- 6 Aundre Benson (USA)
- 7 Carlos Cardenas (USA)
- 8 Miguel Cartaya (Ecuador)
- 9 Rhyan Clark (USA)
- 10 Jermaine Gadsden (USA)
- 11 Jonas Jamena (Philippines)
- 12 Jonathan Jimenez (USA)
- 13 Shun Kaneko (Japan)
- 14 Burak King (USA)
- 15 Dylan Lin (USA)
- 16 Jael Lopez II (USA)
- 17 Juan Carlos Madrigal (USA)
- 18 Paul Mateoc (USA)
- 19 Clarence McSpadden Jr. (USA)
- 20 Otis Mosley (USA)
- 21 Alvaro Pena (USA)
- 22 Hygor Ponchet (USA)
- 23 Ali Raza (Australia)
- 24 Shawntellian Riley (USA)
- 25 David Roberson (USA)
- 26 Francisco Rodriguez (USA)
- 27 Alexander Rogers (USA)
- 28 Tyler Sanchez (USA)
- 29 Andre Smith (USA)
- 30 Charles Tawiah (USA)
- 31 Alexander Toplyn (USA)
- 32 Wes Ular (USA)
- 33 Ricky Urrutia (USA)
- 34 Cordell Waddey (USA)
- 35 Austin Witty (USA)
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Athletes to Watch
Below are a trio of athletes who will likely clash in the first callouts.
Alexander Toplyn
Alexander Toplyn was 14th at the 2022 Men’s Physique Olympia. However, he hasn’t won a show yet in 2023 despite having competed twice this season. His best result was third at the 2-23 Tampa Pro one week before this contest.
Toplyn can be considered a favorite to win this show, but he will have to be better than he was in Tampa. With only a week between shows, the question is if he can make the necessary adjustments in such a short time frame.
Burak King
King finished outside the top 15 at the 2022 Olympia contest. He made his 2023 debut at the Tampa Pro, finishing in 10th place. He qualified for the 2022 Olympia on points, which is not allowed in 2023.
King has yet to win a pro show in his three-year career. Nonetheless, he showed improvements in his Tampa physique and has a good chance to be in the first callout.
Rhyan Clark
Rhyan Clark will compete in his fourth show of the 2023 season. His best placing thus far was fourth at the 2023 Lenda Murray Atlanta Pro. Clark has been a pro since 2020 but has never competed on the Olympia stage.
With less than two months to qualify before the cutoff date of Oct. 9, 2023, Clark needs to make the most out of each show he enters until he wins one.
Featured image: @alextoplyn_ifbbpro on Instagram
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