Andrew Jacked Builds Dense Back, Looks Stage-Ready In Physique Update Ahead of Texas Pro

Andrew Jacked is gearing up for earning his second invitation to compete on the Olympia stage and you better believe that the 2023 Texas Pro could very well be a foregone conclusion. Why? Because Andrew Jacked is looking absolutely menacing and stage-ready in his recent physique updates.
Chinedu Andrew Obiekea, better known by his stage name Andrew Jacked, is a Nigerian professional bodybuilder that shot to stardom within a blink of an eye in 2022. He grabbed the attention due to his extremely aesthetic physique in spite of an unusually tall 6ft-1in frame, narrow waist and a perfect v-taper.
Andrew Jacked made the transition to NPC in 2022. He earned the IFBB Pro card with a dominant win at the 2022 Arnold Classic Amateur and then secured a direct invitation to the 2022 Olympia by bringing home the 2022 Texas Pro trophy. The Nigerian also bagged the 2022 Arnold Classic UK title before Olympia.
At this point, bodybuilding experts were intrigued by his chances against the top Men’s Open competitors. It is very rare to see so much hype around someone with so little competitive experience. However, Andrew carried the burden of expectation quite well, finishing eighth at the 2022 Olympia in the process. He last competed at the 2023 Arnold Classic and finished third. He now awaits the opportunity to successfully defend the Texas Pro title in 2023.
As a part of this effort, Andrew Jacked went through a back workout and also posted a physique update for his coaches to get a better understanding of his progress. So let’s check out how much Andrew’s physique has improved since we last saw him.
Andrew Jacked goes through a back workout
Andrew Jacked agrees with the phrase that shows are won from the back. As a result, he is maintaining his focus on improving the thickness, density, and width in the back. Although he has made massive improvements over the last few years, Andrew Jacked believes there is always room for improvement.
The focus of this back workout was to improve back density and the 2022 Texas Pro winner was joined by his friend George, who motivated him to perform this workout.
T-Bar Rows
If you want your back to grow, you’ve gotta row. If you had to choose only one rowing exercise for back building, our team at Fitness Volt would recommend going with T-bar rows for sure. That being said, all rowing exercises have their benefits and deserve a spot in your training routine.
T-bar rows are an ultimate back builder as they work all the pulling muscles in the upper body and contribute towards building muscle and strength. Andrew Jacked pushed through some heavy sets of the exercise with incrementally heavier weights to stimulate the back. Following this, he took to the next compound exercise.
Bent Over Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Andrew Jacked next performed the bent-over chest-supported rows using a cambered bar. Chest Supported Rows eliminate momentum from the play and compel back muscles to pull the weight up without assistance.
After testing his strength with a few solid sets of this compound exercise, the 2022 Texas Pro winner carried his momentum over to perform a superset.
Superset – Reverse Grip Seated Rows and Cable Pullovers
Andrew then went on to perform this superset to increase the aerobic intensity of the workout while trying to get more work done in a shorter period. Reverse grip seated rows primarily target the biceps, lats, lower back, and shoulder muscles.
A cable pullover, which is a severely underappreciated isolation movement, takes the biceps out of the picture and forces the back muscles to do the work. Andrew Jacked performed all the sets within this superset in rapid succession to take on the next exercise.
Vertical Rows
Another variation of seated rows followed next as the Nigerian powerhouse performed vertical rows on a selectorized machine to work the back muscles from a different angle. After cranking out some solid sets to add more stimulus to the back muscles, Andrew Jacked took to the final exercise of the day.
Lat Pulldown
Andrew Jacked wrapped up the back training session with this lat builder. Lat pulldowns are one of the most common and effective vertical pulling movements in gyms around the world. They primarily target the latissimus dorsi muscles and help build a wide back. Andrew Jacked annihilated a few good sets of lat pulldowns to put an end to the workout.
Overall, the workout included:
After wrapping up the workout, Andrew Jacked stated that he didn’t really start the day feeling motivated to hit the gym. But he still managed to get a good day’s work because of his friend.
“That’s the end of the workout today. It’s good that I got a good push here today from my friend here George. Or else I would have just done something like arms bro. There are some days when you just wake up and it just doesn’t feel like doing anything.
It was like that. I challenged myself to come to the gym, spoke to my friend… At the end of the day, it was good though. Nothing crazy but we did something…” Andrew Jacked said about his workout.
Following this, Andrew Jacked headed over to give a physique update check-ins for his coach as the prep is drawing closer. The Nigerian bodybuilder is known for the insane v-taper and narrow midsection. The same is looking more pronounced and well-defined at this stage.
Additionally, Andrew’s quads drew attention because of their fullness. Although there is room for more definition in the back, no one can deny that there is a perfect balance of width and thickness in Andrew’s back.
Andrew Jacked looks primed to defend the Texas Pro title in 2023. It will be interesting to see how he performs at the 2023 Olympia which is drawing closer and closer with each passing day.
You can watch the full video here, courtesy of Andrew Jacked’s personal YouTube channel: