2023 CrossFit Teams Semifinals Tests Announced

With every day that passes we are getting closer to the biggest competition in CrossFit, the 2023 CrossFit Games. The final step for athletes who dream of competing for the most prestigious title in CrossFit is to clear the 2023 CrossFit Semifinals, which is no easy feat. The Semifinals for the Teams and Individuals will be taking place at the same time, starting from May 18th. The Semifinals will be divided into seven competitions and will be taking place over three consecutive weeks.
With the times and locations revealed, the only unknown factor were the tests for the competition. However, CrossFit has now revealed the six tests for the Teams division which will be used in all seven competitions.
The Teams division was not present in the 2023 CrossFit Open, since the athletes were required to compete in the Individual division first. However, it did make an appearance in the 2023 CrossFit Quarterfinals when the Teams were formed.
Based upon the results of the quarterfinals, the best teams from each region were placed in their regional Semifinals as well. So, the semifinals will consist of 200 Teams, which will be distributed across seven competitions, with each competition varying in a number of Teams participating, as well as CrossFit Games qualifying spots.
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2023 CrossFit Semifinal — Team Division Tests
Test One
Four rounds for time, with one member at each station, of:
- Echo bike* (Women: 2K / Men: 2.5K)
- 800-meter run*
- Bear-hug sandbag hold*
- 150 double-unders*
- 10 worm clean & jerks
*Athletes must change stations every round.
Women: 150-pound sandbag
Men: 200-pound sandbag
Time cap: 28 minutes
Test Two
In M/F pairs for 15 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
- Three synchro muscle-ups (One partner on the rings, one partner on the bar)
- Five synchro thrusters
*One pair works while the other rests, then switch.
**Add two muscle-ups and five thrusters after both pairs complete the round.
Women: 65-pound thrusters
Men: 95-pound thrusters
Test Three
As a relay (F/M/F/M), complete:
Female one and Male one
- 400-meter sprint
- 10 dumbbell bench presses —
- 15 unbroken single-leg squats, leg one
- 15 unbroken single-leg squats, leg two
- Three handstand pirouettes
Female two and Male two
- 400-meter sprint
- 15 dumbbell bench presses
- 10 unbroken single-leg squats, leg one
- 10 unbroken single-leg squats, leg two
- Three handstand pirouettes
Time cap: 16 minutes
Women: 60-pound dumbbells
Men: 90-pound dumbbells
Test Four
Five rounds for time, in M/F pairs, of:
Male and Female pair one starts:
- Row (Women: 7 calories / Men: 10 calories
- 10 (each) synchro alternating dumbbell snatches (Women: 60 pounds / Male: 90 pounds)
- 15 (each) 24-inch box jumps, alternating
Male and Female pair two starts:
- Row (Women: 7 calories / Men: 10 calories)
- 20 (each) synchro alternating dumbbell snatches (Women: 50 pounds / Male: 70 pounds)
- 10 (each) 30-inch box jumps, alternating
*When both pairs have completed a round, switch positions for the following round.
**Pair one will row three times and ski two times.
***Pair two will ski three times and row two times.
Time cap: 15 minutes
Test Five
- One minute max-rep cleans (Women: 195 pounds / Men: 275 pounds)
Two minutes rest.
- One minute max-rep cleans (Women: 215 pounds / Men: 235 pounds)
Two minutes rest.
- One minute max-rep cleans (Women: 235 pounds / Men: 315 pounds)
Test Six
For time:
- 15 worm burpees
- 15 worm squats
- Women complete one seated legless rope climb (each)
- Men complete 10 strict chest-to-wall handstand push-ups (each)
- 15 worm burpees
- 15 worm squats
- Women complete two legless rope climbs (each)
- Men complete 15 strict handstand push-ups (each)
- 15 worm burpees
- 15 worm squats
- Women complete three rope climbs (each)
- Men complete 20 handstand push-ups (each)
- 15 worm burpees
- 15 worm squats
- Time cap: 16 minutes
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2023 CrossFit Semifinals Schedule
- North America East Semifinal — May 18-21
- Africa Semifinal — May 19-21
- North America West Semifinal — May 25-28
- Oceania Semifinal — May 25-28
- South America Semifinal — May 26-28
- Europe Semifinal — June 1-4
- Asia Semifinal — June 1-4
The 2023 CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals have already shown that this year’s field of teams is extremely competitive. So, each of the 2023 CrossFit Teams Semifinals should be an interesting and tight event. Everything is at stake since only 40 teams will make it through to the final stage of the competition, the 2023 CrossFit Games. The Games will take place on August 1-6 in Madison, Wisconsin.