Dorian Yates Warns Modern Bodybuilders About Steroid Use

Dorian Yates issued a warning about steroid usage.
Dorian Yates gives modern bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts an expressed warning on steroid usage. Yates spoke on the subject in a recent interview giving some valuable advice on gear usage.
With the recent deaths in bodybuilding shocking the community it’s clear that the time is now for a change. Steroid usage in bodybuilding is no new occurrence. Since the Golden Era bodybuilders have used foreign substances to help improve their physiques. In the modern era many competitors take a number of different substances in order to get as massive as possible. While physiques are on an entirely different level these days, the risks to competitors is unlike anything experienced before. So many bodybuilders have passed away because of the massive amounts of gear that they pump into their bodies.
You only get one body and this is something six-time Olympia champion Dorian Yates has come to understand well.
During his time as a competitive bodybuilder, Dorian Yates took his fair share of steroids, insulin, and other gear. He utilized these substances to create a physique unlike any other during his day. But since retiring from competition Yates has radically changed his lifestyle. He has become a yogi, has changed his diet, and has downsized tremendously.
A Warning
Dorian Yates has realized that his body is his temple. As such he’s made a point of warning modern bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts about the health risks involved in using steroids. In a recent interview Yates touched on the modern generation and their steroid and gear usage.
“I think each generation of bodybuilders is pushing the chemical envelope a little bit more, a little bit more…” said Dorian Yates. “What I am told by people that compete or even don’t compete, they’re just taking it recreationally. I said mate, you’re taking more than I took for Mr. Olympia. You don’t need that.
“You’re getting the benefit that you want. The recovery, the muscle building with trying to minimize the negative effects,” Yates continued. “There is going to be a point when you’re not really getting any positive effects anyway. It’s like a glass of water. Once it’s full, it’s full.”
Dorian Yates also gave his expressed advice to those who wish to push their bodies to the limit with gear.
“Me personally, my advice to you is unless you’re competing, don’t take any steroids unless you’re like past 40 and your testosterone is low and that’s hormone replacement. That’s a different story because that’s good for your health. If your testosterone is low and you put it back to optimal levels, it has tremendous health benefits.
“Depression, arthritis, diabetes, heart problems… All these things can be improved by taking Testosterone replacement. So, in that context, it’s very healthy for people.”
To see the full interview click here. What do you think of Dorian Yates and his advice on steroid usage?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.