500-MG ANADROL A DAY? #askDave

2:00 – PED induced hiccups
5:58 – Too much stairclimber chewing into leg gains?
9:20 – Thoughts on Andrew Jacked turning forward during side tricep pose.
13:00 – Best backstage pump-up foods?
16:18 – What cereal did Dave recommend to Larry Pollack on After Hours (a keto cereal that’s Crohn’s friendly).
18:00 – Beef liver as a protein source.
19:56 – I’m getting a CT scan, what percentage blocking would be a concern? Should I get on statins? My cholesterol is a concern.
23:18 – Dave mentioned coming out with an electrolyte powder…If the rda is 4700 of potassium per day why do all the electrolyte powders except for Dr.Bergs have less than 500mg per serving of potassium?? Salt is easy to add so why dose so high with salt.
25:55 – You always say every 2-3 months you should take a week off.Should you plan those ahead or take them when you feel like taking a break.
27:28 – Science behind training a bodypart once a week vs 2-3 times a week.
32:13 – Were you aware that Nasser was taking 500mg of anadrol a day? As Milos showcased from his logbook at the Jay Cutler podcast. Jay said he was taking 200mg. Crazy high doses.. your thoughts on that? How often do see this among bodybuilders?
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