Juan Morel Calls Out Copycat Cookie Companies Stealing Ideas

Juan Morel isn’t pleased with copycat companies.
It appears that Juan Morel is fed up with companies stealing ideas. The bodybuilder recently called out companies who have been stealing he and his wife’s ideas and passing them off as their own. Juan Morel brow beat these accused thieves in a recent post making the rounds on social media.
There’s nothing quite like healthy competition. It drives businesses to produce greater, more superior products than their rivals. A healthy rivalry can drive greater profits for both businesses involved.
However, when those same rivalries can take on a darker twist. There are some companies that aim to completely copy another’s game plan. They aim to steal the very identity of their rivals and pass it off as their own creation. When that starts to happen, things can get ugly.
It appears that very thing has been happening to Karen and Juan Morel. The bodybuilder and his wife have their own business, a gourmet cookie company named My Cookie Dealer. The business has garnered a ton of followers and fanfare since it’s launch. But it seems that other companies have been stealing those same idea that have built the My Cookie Dealer brand.
A Firm Message
Well, Juan Morel has had enough. The bodybuilder took to Instagram and had this to say to those stealing the company’s ideas.
We worked so hard to build OUR company. The way we do things is because is specific and never meant as marketing. When someone comes around when you worked really hard to build something and they pretend they are here to help and then copy you!
One thing is to start a cookie company; hey I’m cool with that nothing wrong with starting you’re own company but when you’re web page and you’re Instagram looks like ours. And I’m getting non stop DMs from people sending me your profile that you are copying us. You should be embarrassed, you are not original and should be ashamed. Down to “perfecting” strawberry poptart cookie?!!? #beendoingthissince2018 You’re legit wild. We SUPPORT so many bodybuilding shows, AS in ACTUALLY sponsor the shows- you think you can come to my family? YOU are a JOKE.
I don’t put people on blast; BUT enough is enough.
Watch the people around you because they are the thieves.
This is definitely an unfortunate situation for Karen and Juan Morel. To work so hard and see your ideas stolen, it can truly be disheartening. Hopefully they’re able to put an end to those out there who are brazenly stealing their ideas.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.