Nick Walker Continues Moving Big Weight With 185-Pound Incline Dumbbell Press For 10 Reps

Nick Walker is showing off incredible strength with recent lift and sharing a physique update.
Nick Walker made it clear that he is going for the 2022 Olympia title and nothing else. During his offseason, Walker continues to put up big weight in the gym and shows why he will show up in better shape this time around. In a recent workout, Walker was able to lock out 185-pound dumbbells on incline press for 10 reps.
Walker has turned into one of the biggest competitors in bodybuilding. The mass monster finished fifth at the Olympia in October and was not satisfied with his performance. Now Walker, who chose not to defend his Arnold Classic title, has put all of his focus into the Olympia prep.
This particular workout featured a combination of chest and biceps. Walker performed incline bench presses with dumbbells along with low cable curls. When hitting incline bench presses, Walker was able to get the weight up.
This is not the first time that Nick Walker has put up big weight in recent weeks. He recently went through a shoulder day where he put up 165-pound dumbbell shoulder presses. Walker has been able to put on some size and does not look like he is going to slow down.
Nick Walker turned in one of the best rookie seasons in recent memory. He was able to earn qualification to the Olympia last year with a victory during the New York Pro. Walker followed this up with a victory during the Arnold Classic before heading to the Olympia two weeks later.
After his fifth-place finish, Walker expressed how he felt like it was a loss rather than a strong performance in his first Olympia. Walker made sure that he would place all of his attention into the 2022 show and not compete during the season.
This recent training session proves that Nick Walker has the strength and determination to get where he wants to be. It will be interesting to see how he will stack up this time around against the likes of Big Ramy and Brandon Curry, who won the Arnold Classic this year without Walker in the lineup.
The Olympia is set for December and will return to Las Vegas. This will be the site for the biggest competition of the year in bodybuilding with the elite talent in all of the sport.
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