Hunter Labrada Has Put on a Massive Amount of Size Ahead of the Olympia

Hunter Labrada has put on a tremendous amount of muscle mass.
It appears that top Men’s Open Bodybuilding competitor Hunter Labrada has put on a considerable amount of size during the off season. Looking to break into the top 3 at the Olympia this year, Labrada is hard at work in the lab making the necessary improvements to potentially topple Big Ramy.
Son of the bodybuilding legend Lee Labrada, Hunter Labrada has been carving out his own legacy in modern bodybuilding. The younger Labrada differs from his father mainly due to the fact that modern bodybuilding requires different attributes than the old school era. Back in Lee’s day it was all about symmetry, intricate posing, and having an overall balanced physique. These days modern bodybuilders are expected to have a ton of muscle on their frames. Mass monsters have changed the trajectory of the sport and as such competitors have had to adapt to these different criteria.
So when Hunter Labrada steps on stage it’s like getting a glimpse of what his father would have looked like in this modern era. He still possesses the incredible symmetry and balance that his father had. Unlike his father however, Hunter has a considerable amount of size on his frame. He was already pretty jacked before, but he’s reaching all new levels this year.
Massive Size
Prepping for the 2022 Olympia, Hunter Labrada has made some noticeable changes to his physique. Namely Labrada has packed on a ton of mass while maintaining his shredded condition. A recent post to his Instagram account showcases the competitors latest physique update and it’s truly impressive.
Posed a round of mandatories and then freestyled for 2 minutes after. It was exhausting?
Complete transparency, I haven’t been posing as much as I should lately, and that’s going to change. I guest pose enough to where I never really feel rusty, but I do feel like I’ve lost all wind/endurance for posing after this extended push where I’ve been doing no cardio.
As hard as it was, it was fun, and I plan on regularly posting these! Next one I’ll post the freestyle instead of the mandatories??
What do you think of Hunter Labrada and his current physique?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.