Weeks Out from the Olympia, Wesley Vissers Reveals a Solid Physique
His classic silhouette is reminiscent of Golden Era bodybuilders.

Wesley Vissers is the epitome of classic physique.
Wesley Vissers has shown to be a truly dedicated bodybuilder. His classic silhouette is reminiscent of Golden Era bodybuilders. There is no doubting that he has one of the most classic physiques in his division.
While Chris Bumstead and Breon Ansley sit at the top of the Classic Physique division, Wesley Vissers offers something different. His physique is classic in every sense of the word and his proportions aid him well in that department.
Ahead of the 2020 Olympia, Wesley Vissers is looking strong and has appeared to put on a good amount of size. He revealed some recent progress pics on his Instagram showcasing what he’s built up during the off season.
It just feels great when everything is clicking. Despite going through a life altering experience being a father, this prep seems to be going really well. It’s true that bodybuilding at the highest level can be selfish at times.. or most of the time .. but now I’m not doing this just for myself anymore. I’m getting the job done for my family. And getting the steps in, training as intense as I can and following the meal plan all seem much more simple when it’s for someone else too. Let’s get it done. 7 weeks to go to bring my best shape yet. Stay Golden.
Pumpness. ..even though I was cold. 116 kg at the moment. 4 more kg to go! #VintageGenetics
A post shared by VintageGenetics (@wesleyvissers) on Oct 31, 2020 at 10:44am PDT
What do you think of Wesley Vissers’ physique ahead of the Olympia?
Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.