Mike O’Hearn: How To Really Make Money In Bodybuilding

Mike O’Hearn talks about his personal rise to success and shares tips on how to make money as a bodybuilder.
Love him or hate him, Mike O’Hearn is a successful bodybuilder who has made multiple TV appearances, graced the cover of dozens of magazines, and owns accomplished businesses. He took his passion for bodybuilding and turned it into life success. It’s often talks about how competitive bodybuilding in and of itself hardly provides enough funds to make a living. So how does one become a financially successful bodybuilder? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Mike O’Hearn details the key tactics for making money in bodybuilding.
During our latest video conversation with Mike O’Hearn, we asked him point blank – what advice would he give on how to make money in bodybuilding. He starts off with direct advice and then goes into his own past experiences as examples. His first advice – is to not copy other successful bodybuilders. If it worked for Ronnie Coleman, copying him will only make you a familiar version of that. You want to be original – that’s where real success comes in.
His second piece of advice is to “flip the bird to everybody.” What he means by this is to follow the beat of your own drum. This ties into his first tip. If others think you are breaking the mold too much and are too “weird” or “doing it wrong” – ignore them. True greatness is about breaking the mold. It’s about changing things. The status quo doesn’t make greatness – breaking it does.
Mike O’Hearn also touches on how the typical path to financial success has changed over the past few decades in bodybuilding. He describes how it used to be that you needed to win a big competition, then that got you interviews and TV appearances. If you took those appearances seriously and showed charisma – then you would get more opportunities and eventual sponsorships. Use that initial financial boost for more opportunities – work hard at them – and then suddenly you have a full and successful life.
Now Mike O’Hearn explains that the competition side of things is less important. With social media, you can focus first on your charisma, personality, uniqueness, and of course, your physique. If you get enough followers the opportunities will appear. Then you still have to work hard at those to turn it into a life of success.
Mike O’Hearn then dives into his past and his personal steps that led to his success. He claims that being one of 10 children made him realize the importance of money at a very young age. So when he started succeeding at bodybuilding – he put away all of his money rather than spend it on flashy items. This gave him a foundation for when the competitions stopped.
He then later met Arnold Schwarzenegger who advised him to use his savings to invest in real estate – that’s where the real money is. This is something Schwarzenegger himself did to help bolster his funds (besides, you know, the superstar acting). After O’Hearn did that – the rest is history. He continued to challenge himself and find new opportunities. With the money he had as a foundation he was able to take those risks and succeed long term.
Mike O’Hearn’s last piece of advice was probably the hardest one to swallow. At least for younger bodybuilders. He said that your 20s should be spent working your ass off so you have at least $100k in the bank by 30. He even said that’s on the low end. O’Hearn believes that too often young people spend their 20s having fun. It comes at the cost of building a financial foundation for success. Money later gives you less time in your life to grow that money. If you focus while you are young and have more energy – you can grow that money quicker.
They say that youth is wasted on the young. Mike O’Hearn seems to believe in that statement. But it seems O’Hearn was one of the few young men who decided to try and waste as little time as possible. It explains his intense work ethic with training and business to this day.
You can watch Mike O’Hearn’s full comments about money in bodybuilding by watching our latest GI exclusive interview segment above!