Dexter Jackson Looks Lean, Downsized in Recent Post Alongside Kevin Levrone

Dexter Jackson and Kevin Levrone look downsized in recent photo.
Dexter Jackson looks lean and downsized in recent post alongside fellow bodybuilding legend Kevin Levrone. The photo of the two was taken at the 2021 Olympia and both men looked fit and slimmed down.
The time comes for every professional athlete when they have to ask themselves a fundamental question. Can they still compete at the highest levels of their sport? Is it time to hang things up and move on to something else? It can be a truly daunting task for someone who has spent years honing their craft in order to showcase their skill, ability, and in terms of bodybuilding, a competitor’s training physique.
Dexter Jackson likely had the very same internal dialogue. Having stood atop the bodybuilding world, becoming winningest bodybuilder of all time, Jackson had nothing else to prove when he decided to hang it up. The 2020 Olympia was his final show where he got a standing ovation from the crowd.
Since last December Dexter Jackson has been enjoying his retirement. But while for some that means stopping training and enjoying all manner of delicious delights, bodybuilding has proven to be a way of life for Jackson.
Dexter Jackson and Kevin Levrone Looking Lean
Recently Dexter Jackson took to Instagram offering up a photo of himself with fellow bodybuilding legend Kevin Levrone. In the photo Jackson is looking far smaller than he did when he was still competitively active.
#tbt #throwbackthursday to the Olympia. Chillin with one of my biggest inspiration big bro @kevinlevrone We looking good retired big bro! ??????
But despite being downsized, Dexter Jackson is still looking pretty lean. His recent training with Hide Yamagishi and Iris Kyle that Jackson is still in great condition.
I’ve known @hideyamagishi and @iriskyle 20 plus years and it’s crazy we’ve never trained together. Well @hideyamagishi and I got a quick session in while Iris sat around talking shit and bragging how many Olympia titles she won. ??? All good that’s family and talking trash is what we do when we are together. ?? Y’all be sure to check out one of the dopest gyms in Vegas.. Iris & Hide’s @powerhousegymlasvegas is ????. Love you guys!!
What do you think of Dexter Jackson and his current physique?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.