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Will Smith Begins His Fitness Challenge and Gets Embarrassed


Will Smith begins his self induced fitness challenge.

Well it looks like the fitness challenge is underway for Will Smith. The famous actor began his training with gusto. But it appears that Smith ended his training with a bit of embarrassment.

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Getting in top shape can be a truly arduous task. Solid results means a great deal of dedication. Not only dedication, but also a drive to succeed.

Those with youth and vigor have to work hard just like anyone else. That said, their youth gives them certain physical advantages over those of a more advanced age. When you consider Will Smith is in his early 50s, you realize that this fitness challenge he’s undertaking is all the more difficult due to his age.

But that isn’t stopping the famous actor from giving it his all. Will Smith has gotten into top shape in the past, making a pretty noticeable transformation when he was cast to play the iconic Muhammad Ali in a biopic. Smith packed on pounds of muscle and while it was no easy task, he was able to due the legendary boxer justice with a solid performance and impressive physical presence.

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Let The Training Begin

But while he doesn’t lack the drive and determination, Will Smith is getting a reminder that of how difficult it can be to transform. One difficulty is realizing you have to crawl before you can walk.

With his training being documented in a collaboration with YouTube, Smith’s training began with him pushing no weight at all. On the advice of his trainer, Smith was forced to lift barbells without any weight on the bar. Will Smith was admittedly embarrassed by the situation. The Instagram post below shows a bit of Smith’s training.

“This guy says ‘Let’s just get the movements,” said Smith. “Let’s just get your body back into making the movements, so we can avoid injury.’ But what that means is that he’ll just give me the bar with no weights on it to a bench press.”

“I’m like ‘We’re not shooting that. Nobody’s going to have video of me bench pressing with just a bar, and no weights on it. No. No.’”

Will Smith appears to be taking everything in stride as he continues his journey to a better physique. It will be interesting to see how much he can transform his body in the coming weeks and months.

What do you think of Will Smith and his fitness challenge?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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