Wellness Bodybuilder Odalis Santos Mena Dies At 23 Years Old During Surgery To Stop Sweating

Odalis Santos Mena had a poor reaction to anesthesia which led to her death at 23 years old.
Odalis Santos Mena was an up-and-coming name in the bodybuilding world and had already established herself on social media. On July 7, the famous Instagram influencer underwent an operation to fix constant sweating. As reported by the New York Post, a complication with the anesthesia, Mena passed away at the age of 23.
Odalis Santos Mena was a well-known social media presence with 150,000 followers on Instagram. She has landed many endorsement deals and that includes the SkinPiel clinic in Guadalajara. This was to promote an antiperspirant treatment called MiraDry.
This procedure uses heat energy to remove sweat glands from underarms and this controls armpit hair which will lead to less sweat and body odor. Mena was prepared to undergo the operation but went into cardiac arrest after being put under anesthesia. The clinic was unable to revive Mena after performing CPR.
Mena was seen on Instagram promoting the procedure as “safe and effective” after agreeing to a deal. Police have began an investigation on the clinic after hearing that the anesthesia might have been administered by an employee who was not trained to do so. The cause of death was revealed as a poor reaction from the anesthesia paired with a steroid that Mena was currently taking. SkinPiel has claimed that they were unaware of this substance.
Odalis Santos Mena was already established on Instagram and a potential star in the bodybuilding game. She frequently competed in competitions and that was going to continue as she built her brand. Mena picked up victories in the 2019 Miss and Mr. Hercules competition along with the Wellness Fitness Juvenile contest.
Mena frequently posted pictures and videos to show off her progress. This catapulted her to fame as an influencer and was going to go a long way in her quest as a competitor.
Victor Gomez Carreno shared a heartfelt message on his private Instagram account following the news.
“‘Your actions in life, echo in eternity,” he wrote. “I will take you with me forever short, it makes no sense to write here what I feel in my heart @odalis_sm, I love you.”
This procedure is relatively unknown and could have long-term risks. More information on the police investigation will be released as they found out more about the botched operation.
Generation Iron send out condolences to the friends and family of Odalis Santos Mena during this tragic time. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.