
Weight Training On CBD Oil

Weight Training On CBD Oil

CBD supplements have become an integral component to many athletes and their training routine. While some prefer to use CBD after workouts to encourage better recovery, others have found that taking CBD before they hit the court, field, or pool naturally boosts their performance and helps them “get in the flow.”

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Taking CBD before a workout or competition is an all-natural way to help your body stay balanced as you push it to new levels. The timing of your supplement can be key, and no matter how you prefer to get your CBD, you’ll want to make sure you give enough time for the compound to reach your systems.

Why Should I Take CBD Before a Workout?

Athletes who opt to take their CBD before a workout have found that the compound helps their body function as efficiently as possible while they’re in the middle of their training sessions. By supporting their bodily functions during a workout with CBD, they find that their body is able to perform at its best.

CBD helps the body’s functions run efficiently by supporting the endocannabinoid system. This major regulatory network is always at work, making sure that important functions like metabolism, immune function, energy balance, and coordination are balanced.

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Derived from the stalks of hemp, CBD is a plant-derived cannabinoid that augments the body’s own cannabinoids. Because it shares a similar structure to the body’s cannabinoids, CBD is able to interact with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system. By stimulating these receptors, CBD supports the endocannabinoid system’s efforts to keep functions running smoothly.

How these balancing properties of CBD will affect you can depend on a number of factors. The athletes who find benefit from taking CBD before workouts often describe the sensation as “finding a flow” or “a sense of calm” that they believe helps them physically perform at a higher level.

Keep in mind that CBD affects everyone differently. When deciding to take CBD before a workout for the first time, it’s best if you start with a smaller serving and schedule your initial supplement on a routine workout day rather than an important training session. Some have found that CBD causes a sense of drowsiness and prefer to take their CBD supplements after workouts.

Remember that while CBD is derived from cannabis, it is a non-intoxicating compound so you don’t have to worry about experiencing a “high” or any other wonky side effects.


How Long Before a Workout Should I Take CBD?

Before diving into the ideal timing for CBD supplementing before a workout, it’s important to note that every person’s body and their system is unique. Not everyone reacts to the supplements the same way, and your age, genetics, circulatory system, metabolism, tolerance level, and other factors can influence how quickly CBD takes its effects and how your body responds to the compound.

Proper timing of your supplement routine gives enough time for CBD to reach your bloodstream, where it can interact with cannabinoid receptors and start promoting balance. How long it takes CBD to reach your bloodstream is influenced by your chosen method of consumption.

Some methods of CBD consumption allow the compound to be absorbed nearly instantly. Others can take up to an hour.

Generally, there are three ways to deliver CBD to your bloodstream, including:

  • Inhalation (vaping, dabbing)
  • Sublingually (absorbed under the tongue)
  • Ingestion via the mouth (swallowing)


Inhalation methods like vaping and dabbing allow CBD to be absorbed almost immediately. When you vape or dab, the CBD compounds enter your lungs and diffuse directly into your bloodstream.

If you’re getting your CBD using either of these inhalation methods, you can take your CBD just prior to your workout. Products like Dixie Botanicals® CBD Vape Cartridge, CBD Isolate, and Dab Oil are designed to be vaped or dabbed.


Absorbing CBD under your tongue is the second fastest way to deliver CBD to your systems. With the sublingual method, you place the product under your tongue and hold it there for 60-90 seconds. The CBD absorbs through the mucous membranes of the mouth and then arrive to your bloodstream.

If you opt to use the sublingual method, you can take your CBD supplement a few minutes prior to your workout. Products like Dixie Botanicals® Dew Drop tinctures, CBD Isolate, and Dab Oil can be taken under the tongue.

Ingestion via the Mouth

Because it’s so easy, swallowing to ingest CBD supplements remains a popular way to take CBD. This method is slower acting than the others. When you eat a CBD product, the compounds must go through the digestive system and be metabolized by the liver before being delivered to the bloodstream. This process can take 30-60 minutes.

If you elect to take your CBD by swallowing it, you’ll want to schedule taking your supplement about an hour before your workout. Our Dixie Botanicals® Kicks energy chews are designed to be eaten. While most often taken under the tongue, our Dew Drop tinctures can also be swallowed. Some enjoy using our CBD Isolate to make their own CBD capsules, which you can conveniently swallow with a swig of water.


Should I Take CBD More Than Once?

The full effects of CBD may only remain for a few hours to a half-day, depending on the method of use. For more sustained CBD levels, some athletes have found success taking a serving of CBD multiple times a day.

An athlete might take CBD both before and after a workout. Another may infuse CBD into their morning coffee, supplement again before a workout, and then incorporate CBD into a recovery smoothie.

The perfect CBD supplement routine is the one that works best for you and your individual training and athletic needs. You have the choice of using a single product, like our CBD tinctures, or having an arsenal of products that you use at different times of the day.

Starting a CBD Regimen is Easy

Ready to start incorporating CBD supplements into your pre-training routine? Simply navigate over to the Dixie Botanicals® online store to place your order.

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