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Training Over 40 On Testosterone TRT – HRT

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Training Over 40

Training Over 40 On Testosterone TRT – HRT

Author: Ben Presser
Ph.D. P.E.D. Kinesiology
Intramuscular Injection Certified

As you age, the body is more susceptible to injury so several things need to change with your training. This especially holds true for those of us over 40 years old who are using some type of performance enhancing steroid. Exogenous Hormones like Testosterone will make you stronger to the point where your tendons and ligaments at your age aren’t up to the task like your muscles are when it comes to lifting heavier weight. This is how many injuries occur.





  1. Longer rest period between training days.
  2. Less exercises per muscle group and/or less sets per muscle group during training sessions. This way you can still take advantage of a full recovery while still being able to maintain the same workout schedule. This is especially holds true for the vets as we tend to be creatures of habit which quite honestly is what makes you a vet in the first place!

Cardiovascular Training (CARDIO) Over 40 & On TRT – HRT

You must do cardio once you hit your prime, prime being 40 years old , lmao. Whether or not your a seasoned weight lifter or a new comer to the working out scene, you must now start doing cardiovascular work! Your metabolism isnt what it once was, and if you want to keep the fat off this is a must! Further more your heart needs it at this time in your life more than ever! This is especially so for the guys on Testosterone or other forms of Hormone replacement therapy. The heart is a muscle , testosterone grows muscles, including the heart.

It may sound a bit counter intuitive, but an enlarged heart doesn’t mean just because its larger that it must be stronger at pumping the blood. NO it means it has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body efficiently, to achieve this we will need to do cardio. Otherwise your outer extremities will begin to start getting cold or tingling sensation which means theyre numbing due to blood flow not being ample in that area of the body! Out Extremities being your toes, your fingers, and yes YOUR COCK! Try fucking without ample blood flow to your penis! And for those of us on Testosterone Therapy, this means our desire (horny) is way way up, but try as you will, try as you might, your dick just wont get tight!

So I suggest after training you get on the Bike, the step Climber, or Treadmill ! DO NOT tell me you get enough cardio in through how you train weights in the gym, or because you do super sets, or drop sets, or very little rest between sets and sweat your ass off enough. That is a Young Mans Answer, NOT YOURS!


The Benefits Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Topical Gels Versus Testosterone Cypionate Injection



Anti estrogens, Peptides, IGF 1 lr3, SERM, SARM Store

Some of the more popular Hormones Used Men Over 40

Steroid Cycle for Men Over 40:
Testosterone cypionate 300 mg/w
Nandrolone Decanoate 300 mg/w
IGF 1 lr3 50mcg ED
Adex 0.5 mg EOD
hCG 250 iu EOD

Steroid Cycle for Men Over 40:
Testosterone enanthate 300 mg/w
Adex 0.5 mg EOD
IGF 1 lr3 30mcg ED

Steroid Cycle for Men Over 40:
Testosterone Cypionate 400 mg/w
Anavar 50 mg/d
IGF 1 lr3 50mcg ED
Adex 0.5 mg EOD
HCG 250 iu EOD


You Can Find Our Next “Training Over 40” Article In Our New Forum @ Aptly Named “Training Over 40”

Is Using Trenbolone A Bad Idea For Men Over 40?





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