Top Vegan Health Statistics 2023 – Is Vegan Healthier than Meat?

Top 15 Key Vegan Statistics
- According to recent data, around 10% of adults in the United States follow a vegan or vegetarian diet.
- There are around 79 million vegans worldwide.
- The number of people who follow a plant-based diet in the US rose 30 times between 2004 and 2019.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a 27% growth in the plant-based market.
- Animal agriculture is responsible for producing greenhouse gas emissions that range from 14.5% to 16.5%.
- Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than all transportation emissions combined.
- Did you know that following a vegan diet can decrease the chances of developing cardiovascular disease by 32%?
- Did you know that there are nearly 79 million vegans worldwide?
- Sales of plant-based foods in the U.S. rose by 11% between 2018 and 2019, with the market value reaching $4.5 billion.
- The latest statistics indicate that 1.21% of the UK population follows a vegan diet.
- Did you know that by choosing a vegan lifestyle, you can save the lives of up to 30 animals every month?
- Did you know that 19% of the population in India follows a vegan diet?
- In the US, about 40% of Millennials identify themselves as vegans.
- The plant-based market is predicted to achieve a value of $7.5 billion by 2025.
- According to a UN report, a plant-based diet is essential to prevent global famine. (1) (2)
Chapter 1: General Plant-Based Diet Statistics
Nowadays, a lot of people are into plant-based foods. In fact, the number of Americans who follow a vegan diet has increased by 600% from 2014 to 2018. People have different reasons why they choose to eat plant-based foods. Some do it for health reasons, while others are concerned about animal welfare. There are also those who want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Sometimes, people get inspired by celebrities, media, or documentaries to try out plant-based eating. Whatever the reason, more and more Americans are trying to incorporate more plant-based food into their meals. Vegetarian and vegan diets are expected to see continued growth for the foreseeable future.
1. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a 27% growth in the plant-based market.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant surge in demand for plant-based products, with a remarkable 27% growth in the market. This trend indicates a growing preference for sustainable and healthy food choices as more individuals seek to adopt a plant-based lifestyle.
2. In the US, about 40% of Millennials identify themselves as vegans.

According to recent studies, a significant proportion of millennials in the United States, specifically 40%, identify as vegan or adhering to a plant-based diet. This dietary preference is becoming increasingly popular among younger generations, who are becoming more conscious of their health and environmental impact.
3. Plant-based food sales are predicted to achieve a value of $7.5 billion by 2025.

According to market predictions, the global vegan meat market is expected to experience significant growth and reach a value of $7.5 billion by the year 2025. This indicates a growing interest in plant-based foods and a potential shift towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious diet.
4. There are around 79 million vegans worldwide.

Around the world, there are about 79 million people who follow vegan diets. These folks choose not to use any products that come from animals in their everyday lives, including food.
5. According to recent data, around 10% of adults in the United States follow a vegan or vegetarian diet.
The latest statistical data reveals that roughly 10% of the adult populace residing in the United States follows a vegan or vegetarian diet, which involves avoiding animal products. This dietary preference is mainly driven by ethical, environmental, or health-related concerns and has recently gained significant traction.
6. Sales of plant-based foods in the U.S. increased by 11% between 2018 and 2019, with the market value reaching $4.5 billion.
Between 2018 and 2019, the plant-based food market in the United States experienced a substantial 11% growth, resulting in an impressive total market value of $4.5 billion. Recent data reveals this surge in popularity indicates a significant shift towards vegan products and vegetarian diets and a growing interest in the health and environmental benefits associated with plant-based meat. (3)
Chapter 2: Environmental and Vegan Health Statistics
Vegan food is becoming more and more popular because people are realizing that it’s better for the planet. Even meat-eaters are starting to try plant-based foods like the Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger because they use fewer resources.
A study from Oxford University found that not eating animal products is the biggest thing you can do to help the environment. That’s because most farmland is used to raise livestock for meat and dairy, even though those foods only make up a small part of our diets. Another report from the World Health Organization said that everyone in the world should eat more vegan and plant-based foods to help with problems like hunger, poverty, and climate change.
Documentaries like Cowspiracy are also showing us how much meat consumption can hurt the environment and the animals that live there. They talk about things like greenhouse gas emissions, water, and land use and how they affect wildlife and people.
1. Did you know that by choosing a vegan lifestyle, you can save the lives of up to 30 animals every month?

By avoiding animal products, you can help reduce the demand for animal farming, which can lead to animal cruelty and suffering. Switching to a plant-based diet is a compassionate choice, and it can also help protect the environment by promoting sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (4)
2. Animal agriculture is responsible for producing greenhouse gas emissions that range from 14.5% to 16.5%.
The latest research has shown that animal farming is a big contributor to the gases that cause climate change. These emissions can range from 14.5% to 16.5%. That’s quite a bit! We must find ways to make farming more sustainable and kinder to the environment. This is important so we can keep caring for animals and the people who work in this field. (5)
3. Did you know that following a vegan diet can decrease the chances of developing cardiovascular disease by 32%?

Did you know that a plant-based diet reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and protects your heart? Studies have shown that people who switch to a plant-based diet are 32% less likely to develop heart disease. This means you can potentially avoid heart attacks and strokes by eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.
4. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than all transportation emissions combined.
It’s important to note that animal agriculture plays a significant role in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies have shown that this industry accounts for a staggering 18% of all emissions, which is actually more than the combined emissions from all forms of transportation. This data highlights the urgent need for sustainable farming practices and alternative food production methods that can help reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture.
Chapter 3: International Vegan Statistics
Many people around the world are becoming aware of the health benefits and choosing to eat more plant foods rather than eat meat. This shift towards plant-based diets is becoming more popular and may continue to grow the vegan market. Instead of using the term “vegan,” which can be exclusive, people use the term “plant-based” to make it more welcoming.
Finding plant-based alternatives for things like beef, eggs, and dairy products is now easier than ever, even in mainstream grocery stores and restaurants. Plant-based foods are also tasting better than ever before.
This shift away from meat consumption is being driven by many people, including Millennials, celebrities, athletes, and even large companies like Google. Although it’s not entirely mainstream yet, this trend is having a significant impact on the vegan population and health outcomes.
1. According to a UN report, a plant-based diet is essential to prevent global famine.
As per the report published by the United Nations, adopting a vegan diet is an imperative step toward averting a global food crisis. This highlights the significance of shifting away from meat consumption and embracing a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to our food choices.(6)
2. Did you know that 19% of the population in India follows a vegan diet?
Did you know that a lot of people in India, about 19%, follow a vegan diet? This means they avoid eating things like meat, dairy, and eggs that come from animals. People choose this lifestyle for different reasons, like personal beliefs, ethics, or wanting to help the environment. It’s interesting to see how diverse and complex people’s food choices can be worldwide.
3. The latest statistics indicate that 1.21% of the UK population follows a vegan diet.

According to recent findings, a total of 1.21% of individuals residing in the United Kingdom have adopted a vegan lifestyle, which entails abstaining from consuming any animal products, including meat, dairy, and eggs.
4. The number of people who follow a plant-based diet in the US rose 30 times between 2004 and 2019.
The adoption of plant-based diets has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity in the United States, with the number of individuals who follow this dietary pattern increasing by a staggering thirty-fold between 2004 and 2019. This trend underscores a significant shift in consumer behavior towards healthier and more sustainable food choices, and it is expected to continue to gain momentum in the years ahead.
Is being vegan actually healthier?
A plant-based diet is often considered a healthier option than an omnivorous one due to its higher fiber content and lower cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that this diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease, premature death, and type 2 diabetes and may also lower cancer risk. However, it’s worth noting that a carnivore diet has also been found to positively affect overall health and well-being, particularly on the cardiovascular system.
What percentage of vegans do it for health reasons?
According to research, the majority, 68.1%, do so for animal welfare purposes. This could be due to ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of animals in the food industry. Another 17.4% choose to become vegan due to the potential health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Finally, 9.7% of individuals opt for a vegan lifestyle to promote environmental sustainability.
What are the statistics on vegan people?
Around 6% of the US population is vegan. This data is based on the US population recorded by the Congressional Budget Office for 2023. Furthermore, according to The Vegan Society, only 1-2% of the global population is vegan. A study conducted by the University of Oxford revealed that if the world were to shift to a vegan lifestyle, 8 million lives could be saved.
Is vegan healthier than eating meat?
Vegetarians have lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk of diseases like hypertension and type 2 diabetes. They also tend to have lower body mass index, reduced cancer rates, and lower risk of chronic diseases. The impact of a plant-based diet on healing ability is still being debated.