Tom Platz Shows Off Shredded Quads in Latest Update at 67

Golden Era bodybuilder Tom Platz elevated the sport during the 1970s and 80s with several Mr. Olympia appearances. In a recent Instagram post, Platz showed off his signature quad definition at 67 years old.
Platz, a Detroit native, was known for his spectacular leg strength and development as a professional. He built a successful career competing in AAU bodybuilding shows. While Platz wasn’t famous for titles or awards, he received praise for his varied and exhaustive workout routines which have influenced generations of competitors since his last competition.
Platz trained at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach and eventually switched to the IFBB. He went on to win the Mr. Universe title in 1980. During his eight Olympia shows, Platz tested his resolve against huge names in the sport like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lee Haney.
Given his remarkable lower body strength, many consider Platz a pioneer of advanced leg training. He took part in a squat contest against Fred Hatfield in 1992 but lost. He returned at the Great American Squat Off in Germany, where he and Hatfield both enjoyed success.
His last Olympia appearance came in 1986, but Platz’s dedication to the sport persists in retirement. He continues to train his legs and is now showing off the results at 67 years old.
Tom Platz Shares Jacked Quad Update at 67 After ‘Tweaks’ to His Training/Eating Lifestyle
Platz shared a few pictures of his quads and thanked his doctor for the changes to his training and nutritional regimen. He gave fans a look at his impressive midsection as well.
“Okay, guys, never been great at selfies, but a work in progress! lol
My amazing doctor, Dr Cha @cha_dikito has placed me on another healing journey, once again! Have been under the weather the last few weeks. Her evaluation was spot on! Cha tweaked my training days and Eating Lifestyle while I recover.
In two weeks, this happened! Nearing 68 years old in June. Thank you, Cha! You did say “with Gods foods, expect great results!” Tom Platz wrote.
Having competed during a different era, Platz believes the sport has undergone some dramatic changes. Most notably, he took issue with the way in which the Mr. Olympia and Arnold Classic contests operate. According to Platz, Mr. Olympia has lost its identity, and the Arnold Classic surrendered its reputation. He added that bodybuilding should encompass more than just pursuing prestigious titles.
Platz also touched on his experiences with performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) during his tenure. He explained that there was ‘muscle he could only acquire with anabolics’ while competing actively. The 67-year-old shared that he was able to achieve dry conditioning without steroids, but had to use a few compounds to display a ‘saran wrap’ look on stage.
Tom isn’t the only Golden Era bodybuilder sharing shredded updates. Robby Robinson continues to defy Father Time at 76 with a ripped physique. Looking back on his illustrious career, Robinson stressed that his body was built with hard work and proper dieting, not with steroids.
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While Tom’s career in bodybuilding was certainly noteworthy, his lasting legacy can be attributed to his once-in-a-generation quadriceps growth that has inspired countless fitness enthusiasts worldwide.
For those aspiring to achieve similar success, Tom’s approach is simple yet profound: become a disciple of the “Quadfather” and emulate his unwavering commitment to the grind.
Reflecting on his use of PEDs, Tom Platz said he took the ‘minimum’ and that it worked for him and helped with longevity. At 67 years old, Platz continues to inspire his fanbase with hard work and dedication.