2:05 – Any tanning pills on the market you recommend?
5:20 – Thoughts on WWE stars from different eras – are they on gear?
8:24 – I have a friend I am helping with her diet and she recently went through the same thing Dave did about 2yrs ago where she had thyroid cancer and it removed, same process same meds where she was radioactive. Any way I was trying to incorporate a few easy quick meals while she’s working ( kindergarten teacher) so naturally in the beginning while she’s in getting back into diet mode I put in a shake and even your protein pudding. She said her endo and also her sister who is a doctor told her not to have protein shakes . Something about it interfering with thyroid absorption. Also was told some protein powders lead to chronic kidney disease.
11:10 – Steroids that will make you the most vascular.
13:25 – What’s something that you thought to be true or correct early in your career in terms of bodybuilding or nutrition that you now realize you were completely wrong about?
17:00 – Blood medications while on cycle – should they only be taken when BP is elevated?
18:27 – Im seeing more and more pros and amateur bodybuilders go for push pull legs than the bro split nowadays. Can you find justification for it and is it a better training methodology for putting on size?
20:51 – Will Dave and Sid be at the upcoming Pittsburgh Pro?
22:35 – What era of the Howard Stern show was the best? The Artie era, or, the Jackie era?
24:40 – Dave I was recently hospitalized after doing a crazy intense CrossFit workout. After my body was so unusually sore I had to go the the ER. My CK levels were through the roof and it turns out I had rhabdomyolysis and had to get hospitalized for Iv fluid replenishment . Did this happen due to not eating enough? And or how can I prevent this in the future, the workout was not to far off from what I usually do.
27:44 – 8 weeks out, 500 test weekly, 200 mast weekly, 50 Winstrol per day, is that time frame proper for the mast and Winnie or is it too long for the Winnie in particular?
28:20 – When do you know it’s time to step away from competitive bodybuilding?
32:27 – Tesamorelin vs. “PED fat burners”, also, can Dave rank the best PED fat burners?
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