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THIS Steroid is TOO WEAK For Men! #askDave

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0:00 – Intro
2:00 – I heard you say mac oil makes metabolism race. will this work for me? I’m natural looking to gain strength and size.
8:18 – Dave, off-season, on non-training days, are the protein, carb, and fat intakes the same as on training days? Or are the carbs reduced?
11:00 – What’s the best way to control bad breath on a contest diet – is it just the high protein low carb diet that does it or does the upped drug run contribute as well? Brush and gargle all I can
16:15 – Dave do you think with the advances in technology like CRISPR, MRNA, etc that we will have real myostatin inhibitors in the next 5 to 10 years? How much of a game changer would a true myostatin inhibitor be? Would it be the ultimate PED to end all PEDs?
18:52 – Dave’s thoughts on Anavar.
22:46 – Dave’s thoughts on beef tallow (vs. seed oils) – any thoughts on taste?
26:49 – If a person don’t have glutathione injectable for motility what should he do for it while he’s using hmg hcg clomid
29:26 – Dave what do you think of Dorian’s suggestions for HIT training 3 times a week of chest,shoulders,triceps …back/biceps….legs?? Do you agree? Or what would you recommend if you were to do a 3 times a week workout any suggestions ??


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Dave Palumbo answers all your questions related to bodybuilding and fitness. Nutrition, supplementation, training and life in general! Subscribe to RXMuscle for more episodes of #askDave and the best original television content in the bodybuilding industry!

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