Danny Grigsby Completes Heaviest Raw Deadlift In Powerlifting History With 487.5kg (1,074.8lb) Lift

Danny Grigsby could be working his way toward the 500kg mark.
There has only been two men all-time who have deadlifted 500kg. Danny Grigsby looks like he has a chance to be the third — and will do it in a much different way.
Grigsby competed in the 2022 WRPF American Pro in Manassas, VA over the weekend. There were many great performances from some of the top powerlifters in the world but Grigsby highlighted the event. He completed a massive 487.5kg (1,074.8lb) raw deadlift, which is the heaviest of all-time.
This feat is nothing new for Grigsby. He held the previous mark of 440kg (970lb), which was set during the 2021 WRPF The Bucked Up Showdown. He was able to blow right past that number and approach a new milestone.
“All 3 attempts on deadlift from the meet opener 981, 2nd attempt 1,038, and 3rd 1,074. Opener moved like I thought it would, 2nd was equally fast, my third changed from initially 1060 to 1,074. This meet was about the overall total, my 3rd was just gonna be whatever I needed to secure 2300 and become 2nd all time for total at 275 behind the big man @thehulkmeyers.”
Danny Grigsby was aiming for a total of 2,300 pounds during this event. The third and final deadlift attempt was loaded with what he needed to reach this number.
Danny Grigsby: 500kg Deadlift?
Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall remain the only men who have deadlifted 500kg. Of course, the strongman parameters and powerlifting ones are far different. Grigsby did not use lifting straps or a deadlifting suit, which makes the lift even more impressive.
During the WRPF American Pro, Grigsby weighed in at 121.7kg (268.8lb) and competed in the 125kg weight class. He was successful on all eight of his lifts. Grigsby did not attempt his third bench press rep.
Over the course of his career, Grigsby has competed 15 times. He has secured 11 victories in those events. When he has not won gold, Grigsby is usually on the podium. He currently holds the deadlift world record in both the 125kg and 140kg weight classes.
It is unknown when Danny Grigsby will attempt the massive 500kg deadlift but it seems like that is what he is working toward.
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