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The Best PCT Cycle to Keep Gains: Maximize Your Recovery Effectively

After putting in a week’s work packing some serious muscle, the last thing you want is to see those gains go down the drain. Maximizing your gains is where post cycle therapy (PCT) comes into play! What’s more, the best PCT cycle to keep gains won’t just help you maintain your strength but will also bring your body back to its natural hormonal balance. 

It’s not just about the gains, PCT is also crucial to avoid side effects like muscle loss, low testosterone, and a host of other issues. 

If you haven’t been doing any PCT or just want to know how you can take your PCT regimen to the next level, I’ll be discussing everything you should know about Post Cycle Therapy. From maintaining your gains and restoring your body’s natural testosterone production to PCT supplements and strategies, we’ll discuss it all! 

Key Takeaways

  • A good PCT cycle helps you retain up to 80% of your lean muscle mass.
  • PCT restores your body’s natural testosterone production and hormonal balance, which is important for maintaining strength.
  • PCT helps block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, preventing unwanted side effects like breast tissue development.
  • Post cycle therapy bolsters overall health by balancing important hormones like follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to promote faster recovery.
  • A good PCT regimen helps regulate mood swings by normalizing hormone levels after a steroid cycle.

Understanding Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Post cycle therapy is a method used to restore your body’s natural hormone balance after completing a steroid cycle or using selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Essentially, when you take supplements like anabolic androgenic steroids, your body’s natural testosterone production gets suppressed while estrogen levels increase.

So, after you take steroids or SARMs, your body stops producing its own testosterone after sensing a rise in exogenous testosterone levels. 

If you don’t do any post cycle therapy, your testosterone levels will remain at their low levels, leading to muscle loss, fatigue, and even depression. A proper post cycle therapy regimen can head off any risk of side effects while helping you maintain muscle mass, aid recovery, and enhance your overall health.

The primary goal of PCT is to restart the body’s natural testosterone production and regulate your hormonal balance. This goal becomes particularly crucial for those coming off of performance enhancing drugs or anabolic steroids since the body needs time to restore its normal hormonal equilibrium.

Setting Goals for Your PCT

Before you start a PCT cycle, you need to set clear goals. For most people, these include:

Choosing the Best PCT Cycle to Keep Gains

PCT is all about customisation to your specific goals and needs. When deciding on a PCT protocol you need to consider your cycle, the compounds you used for it, and the length of time you were on them.

These are the most common and wide-ranging PCT medications; chances are, you’ll find one of these will do the job for you:

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

Clomid is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that works by blocking estrogen receptors in the brain. This action tells your pituitary gland to make more luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), both of which stimulate your body’s natural testosterone production.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)

Like Clomid, Nolvadex is also a SERM that boosts natural testosterone production by restricting estrogen receptors. Nolvadex is lighter on the body and has fewer side effects.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is often used in combination with Clomid or Nolvadex to revitalize testosterone production and prevent testicular atrophy. It has the same abilities as luteinizing hormone (LH), which supports the production of testosterone in the testes.

Any of these PCT medications can help you maintain muscle mass, stimulate natural testosterone production, and prevent estrogen rebound. 

Do SARMs Require PCT?

We already know how great SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are to build muscle mass and smash your goals, but should you do any PCT after weaning off from your SARM regimen? The short answer is, yes for most of them

Now while SARMs are admittedly less suppressive than anabolic androgenic steroids, they do affect your body’s natural testosterone production after all, especially if you use them for a while or in higher doses. So what SARMs need PCT and how should you go about it? 

SARMs and Hormonal Balance

SARMs work by selectively binding to androgen receptors in your muscles and thus promote muscle growth without any of the severe side effects that come with anabolic steroids. 

However, stronger SARMs like LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) or RAD-140 (Testolone) impact testosterone levels significantly. This dip in testosterone production can cause symptoms like fatigue, muscle loss, and even mood swings post-cycle.

Now whether you need a PCT protocol after SARMs depends on the specific SARM, dosage, and duration of use. For milder SARMs, like Ostarine (MK-2866), I wouldn’t recommend a full-blown PCT cycle. However, for the stronger ones and even higher doses of milder ones, a solid post cycle therapy is crucial to restore your body’s hormonal balance and maintain muscle gains.

Post Cycle Therapy Supplements and Stacks for Recovery

While Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG are effective PCT medications, combining them with complementing PCT supplements will give you that extra edge in muscle recovery. 

Testosterone Recovery Supplements

Now as we know, when coming off a steroid cycle or SARMs, your body’s natural testosterone production is usually very low. Natural testosterone boosters, like D-Aspartic Acid (DAA), Fenugreek, and Zinc, can help speed up your recovery process.

Estrogen and Progesterone Inhibition Supplements

A huge post-cycle risk is the potential increase in estrogen. When testosterone levels drop, the body increases estrogen production, leading to side effects like breast tissue development (gynecomastia). To avoid this, you can add estrogen-inhibiting supplements to your PCT protocol.

Liver Support Supplements

People often overlook liver health when crafting a PCT regimen. However, the liver is the destination for all those oral steroids that help you pump more. Adding liver support supplements can help your liver stay healthy.

Best PCT Stacks

A good PCT stack is the key to maximizing your recovery. Combining PCT supplements and medications like Clomid, Nolvadex, HCG, and natural testosterone boosters ensures your body gets all-rounded help it needs to restore hormonal balance, maintain muscle mass, and avoid negative effects like low libido or mood swings.

Nutrition and Training During PCT

A crucial element of maintaining your muscle gains during PCT, and let’s be frank to working out generally, is proper nutrition and training. 

During the PCT period, your body is adjusting while your hormones try to find their balance. How you fuel and train your body can make or break your recovery. Let’s find out what you should be fueling with during your PCT.

Focus on Nutrition for Muscle Mass Maintenance

During PCT, your nutrition should support faster muscle recovery without adding excess fat. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that can give your body the raw materials it needs to maintain lean muscle mass and promote hormone production.

Consistent Training for Muscle Strength and Endurance

I know how tempting it can be to just go full on in the gym after a cycle, BUT during PCT, it’s crucial to adjust your training. Your aim during PCT workouts is to maintain muscle mass and strength while allowing your body to recover.

Managing Stress and Side Effects During PCT

Managing stress and preventing side effects during your PCT cycle is equally as crucial to recovery as proper nutrition. Stress is bad for recovery as it can increase cortisol, a hormone that adversely affects your body’s ability to maintain muscle mass. 

Let’s see how you can minimize stress and manage the common adverse effects of PCT.

Minimizing Stress for Optimal Recovery

Managing Common PCT Side Effects

PCT Timing and Duration

Another factor to consider during PCT is timing. Starting your PCT cycle at the optimum time and maintaining it for the appropriate duration can have a huge impact on your ability to maintain muscle mass and restore natural testosterone production. 

When to Start PCT

Just like the selection of a PCT supplement, the timing of your post cycle therapy also depends on the type of compounds you used during your steroid cycle. 

Different steroids and SARMs have different half-lives, meaning they stay in your system for varying lengths of time. Here’s a quick breakdown:

When it comes to post-cycling SARMs, the timing of your PCT can vary, but I’d recommend starting PCT 2-3 days after your last dose. Keep in mind that SARMs like RAD-140 or LGD-4033 are highly suppressive and may require a more aggressive PCT protocol, while milder SARMs like Ostarine may not require a full PCT cycle at all.

How Long Should PCT Last?

The usual duration for post cycle therapy is 4-6 weeks. This time allows your testosterone levels to start recovering. However, the length of your PCT will depend on several factors:

Common Mistakes to Avoid During PCT

Even with all the information in hand and a willingness to follow the best protocol, you can still make a few common mistakes that can hinder your post cycle therapy. Here are the common mistakes to look out for, and how to avoid them:

Skipping PCT Altogether

This one might not seem to need inclusion but some users, especially those on milder SARMs or anabolic steroids, usually think they don’t need PCT, even at higher or prolonged doses. Even a slight suppression of your natural testosterone production can lead to fatigue, muscle loss, and mood swings.

Improper Timing

As we just discussed, the timing of your PCT protocol is critical. Starting too early can lead to ineffective recovery while starting too late can leave your body in a vulnerable state. Make sure to track your last dose of steroids or SARMs and begin your PCT cycle at the right time.

Ignoring Diet and Training Adjustments

Going full on with intense workouts and keeping the same diet from your steroid cycle is another common mistake. During PCT, your body is in recovery mode, and pushing it too hard can lead to overtraining and muscle loss. Similarly, not adjusting your diet to support recovery can lead to fat gain. Make sure you follow a recovery-focused training plan and stick to a nutrient-dense diet.

Underestimating Estrogen Control

Managing estrogen levels can be an additional goal of your PCT, especially if you’ve used anabolic androgenic steroids that convert testosterone into estrogen. If you don’t keep estrogen in control with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) like Clomid or Nolvadex, you could run into side effects like breast tissue development or bloating.

Inadequate PCT Duration

Some users also make the mistake of stopping their PCT protocol the moment they start feeling better. However, it’s crucial to stick with your PCT routine for the full period (usually 4-6 weeks) to make sure your testosterone levels are fully restored and your body is back to hormonal equilibrium.

Lifestyle and Recovery Tips for PCT Success

While medications and supplements are great for an effective post cycle therapy, your lifestyle can play a huge role in your recovery too. Prioritizing rest, sleep, and stress management can significantly enhance your results. Here’s how:

Prioritizing Rest and Recovery

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and taking rest days. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and don’t shy away from extra naps if needed.

The Importance of Stress Management

Stress can affect your testosterone levels and muscle recovery. During PCT, try to add practices that can combat stress into your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, or even deep breathing exercises.

Consistent Workouts Without Overtraining

Keep your workout intensity high, but check the volume. Avoid doing too much too soon and focus on compound lifts to hit multiple muscle groups efficiently without overtaxing your body.

Diet: Keep it Clean

Focus on nutrient-dense foods that support recovery. Prioritize lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats to maintain your muscle mass and fuel your workouts. Make sure you’re also hydrating!

Final Thoughts: My Experience with PCT

My experience with a proper PCT regimen after a steroid/SARMs cycle has been the difference between keeping my muscle gains and losing them. And because I’ve learned the hard way that skipping PCT can lead to muscle loss and hormonal imbalance that take months to correct, I’m here to warn and advise you against it. 

If you stick to a proper post cycle therapy regimen, combined with a good diet, consistent workouts, and stress management, I can assure you you will start feeling better and stronger (and look good while doing it!).

So, if you’re serious about keeping your gains, Don’t. Skip. Your. PCT!


1. How long should a PCT cycle last?

A typical PCT cycle lasts between 4-6 weeks, depending on the compounds used and the duration of your steroid or SARMs cycle. Longer cycles and stronger compounds might require 6 weeks, while shorter cycles can sometimes get by with just 4 weeks.

2. Can I keep all my gains after a cycle?

With the right PCT protocol, you can retain up to 80% of your muscle mass gained during a cycle. Maintaining a clean diet, continuing to lift weights, and following your PCT regimen are key to preserving those hard-earned gains.

3. What’s the best stack to use during PCT?

A solid PCT stack usually includes Clomid and Nolvadex, sometimes with HCG. For extra support, natural testosterone boosters like D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) and Zinc can enhance recovery. An aromatase inhibitor like Arimistane may also be added to control estrogen.

4. Should I continue taking creatine during PCT?

Absolutely! Creatine is a safe and effective supplement for muscle recovery and strength maintenance. It’s a great addition to your PCT to help preserve muscle tissue and promote faster recovery.

5. Do SARMs always require PCT?

Most SARMs, especially the stronger ones like RAD-140 and LGD-4033, require post cycle therapy to restore natural testosterone levels. However, milder SARMs like Ostarine may not need a full PCT.

6. When should I start Post Cycle Therapy after using anabolic steroids?

For short-acting steroids, you should start PCT 3-4 days after your last injection. For long-acting steroids, wait 10-14 days before starting your PCT protocol.

7. What happens if I skip PCT?

Skipping PCT can result in lingering low testosterone levels, muscle loss, increased body fat, and even mood disturbances. PCT helps restore hormonal balance, ensuring a smooth recovery post-cycle.

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