The Best HIIT Ab Workout: Get Ripped Abs in Record Time

Most people perform a few ab exercises at the end of their strength training session. It’s no surprise they are nowhere close to their six-pack goal.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. HIIT workouts for your abs are an incredibly effective method of trimming down your waistline and shedding the excess fat to reveal your abs.
HIIT ab workouts will increase your heart rate, help burn fat, and improve your overall fitness level in a shorter period than traditional cardio workouts. It makes these workouts the perfect fit for people with a busy schedule who cannot afford to spend 45-60 minutes in the gym.
In this HIIT ab workout, we will not only do the most intense abdominal exercises, but we will narrow down on the movements that will also increase your heart rate so that you are actively burning calories.
12 Best HIIT Ab Exercises
Add these ab movements to your exercise arsenal to build a cover photo-worthy six-pack:
High Knees
We will kick off the HIIT ab workout with high knees. It will warm up your abs and get your cardiovascular system going. Think of this exercise as a unilateral variation of the hanging knee-to-chest.
- Stand upright with a hip-width stance.
- Hold your hands in front of your chest, palms facing down.
- Lift your right foot off the floor and bring your thigh as close to your chest as possible. Simultaneously, lift your left heel off the floor so that your left toes are the only point of contact with the floor.
- Return your right foot to the ground.
- Immediately repeat on the left side.
- Alternate between sides for the recommended time.
- Speed up the exercise to bump up your training intensity. Both your feet should be off the floor during the leg transition.
Pro Tip: You want to keep your core braced throughout this exercise for optimal midsection stimulation.
Check out our detailed high knee exercise guide!
Mountain Climber
The mountain climber is a high knee variation; however, it places more tension on your core as you perform it in a high plank position. Perform this exercise for long enough, and it will also tax your shoulders and pectoral muscles.
- Start in a high plank position. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your body, from head to heels, in a straight line.
- Brace your core muscles, bend your right knee, and bring it toward your chest.
- Return it to the starting position.
- Alternate between sides for the recommended time.
- Start slow and increase the tempo while maintaining your form.
- Both your feet should be off the floor during the leg transition.
Pro Tip: Avoid forming a bridge with your hips or letting them drop during the exercise, as it removes tension from your core and puts in on your lower back.
Check out our detailed mountain climber exercise guide!
Flutter Kick
The flutter kick is an often overlooked exercise in most ab workouts. However, it is an excellent movement to target the more stubborn lower abs.
- Lie on your back on the floor. Your body should be in a straight line from head to heels, and your legs should be placed together.
- Place your hands under your hips for leverage.
- Raise your legs and head off the floor. Keep your core braced throughout the exercise.
- Lift your right leg as high as possible while keeping your left leg in place.
- Return the right leg to the starting position while raising your left leg toward the ceiling.
- Alternate between sides for the recommended time.
Pro Tip: Ensure your back is placed flat against the floor throughout the exercise. Arching your back will result in hip flexor stimulation and put unnecessary strain on your spine.
Check out our detailed flutter kick exercise guide!
The sit-up is a staple in most ab training routines. However, you’ll be performing this exercise with high intensity in the HIIT ab workout to fire up your midsection.
- Lie supine on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
- Hold your hands next to your ears throughout the exercise.
- Take a deep breath and lift your torso off the floor by contracting your abs.
- Your torso should be perpendicular to the floor at the top of the motion. Exhale sharply and squeeze your abs.
- Slowly lower to the start position.
Pro Tip: Avoid interlacing your fingers behind your head as it can sprain your neck during the concentric motion. Alternatively, hold your hands in front of your chest during the exercise.
Lying Leg Raise
The lying leg raise is one of those exercises that look super easy but will smoke your abs in no time. You must keep your legs straight for optimal lower ab engagement.
- Lie with your back on the floor. Your body should be in a straight line.
- Place your hands under your hips for leverage.
- Lift your legs off the floor so your heels are a few inches off the ground. This will be your starting position.
- Raise your legs as high as possible while driving your lower back into the floor.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended time.
Pro Tip: Perform this exercise on an elevated surface, such as a flat bench, for an extended range of motion.
Check out our detailed lying leg raise exercise guide!
Bicycle Crunch
The bicycle crunch is an incredibly effective exercise that works your entire core, including your obliques and rectus abdominous.
- Lie supine on the floor.
- Place your hands at the sides of your ears.
- Lift your legs off the floor so your ankles are a few inches off the floor.
- Bend your right knee, and bring it as close to your chest as possible.
- Simultaneously, perform a cross-body crunch and touch your right knee with your left elbow.
- Return to the start position.
- Alternate between sides for the recommended time.
Pro Tip: Exhale sharply and contract your abs at the static contraction point at the top for optimal ab stimulation.
Check out our detailed bicycle crunch exercise guide!
Alternating Jackknife
This full-body exercise can help improve your flexibility and posture, besides giving you a shredded midsection.
- Lie with your back on the floor.
- Extend your arms overhead.
- Lift your right leg off the floor as high as possible. Simultaneously, lift your torso off the ground and bring your arms toward your toes in a sweeping motion.
- Return to the starting position.
- Alternate between sides for the recommended time.
Pro Tip: Feel free to bend your knees if you cannot touch your toes with straight legs.
Check out our detailed jackknife exercise guide!
Plank Jack
The plank jack will help you develop explosive lower body strength and a robust core. It involves jumping your feet out to the sides while holding a plank.
- Assume a high plank position. Your hands should be under your shoulders and legs together and extended behind you.
- Brace your core and jump both feet out wide to each side as if you were doing a horizontal jumping jack.
- Jump back to the starting position.
- Rinse and repeat.
Pro Tip: Keep your shoulder blades pulled back and down throughout the exercise and actively push into the floor with your hands to maintain balance.
Side Plank Dip
This oblique exercise requires decent core strength to perform with a full range of motion.
- Lie on your side on the floor. Your legs should be stacked.
- Place your elbow under your shoulder. Your forearm should be placed on the floor perpendicular to your body for balance.
- Place your top arm on your side.
- Lift your hips off the floor. Your body should be in a straight line.
- Lower your hips toward the floor until they are a few inches off the ground.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended time.
- Switch sides.
Pro Tip: Lift your top arm toward the ceiling so it is perpendicular to the floor to take some weight off your core and make the exercise a little easier.
Wood Chopper
Although you could perform this exercise without additional resistance, we recommend using a light dumbbell for optimal core stimulation.
- Stand upright with a hip-width stance.
- Hold a dumbbell with both hands.
- Twist your torso to the right side and lift the weight up and across your body with straight arms.
- Lower the dumbbell across your body toward the floor. Bend your knees slightly during the lowering motion.
- Repeat for the recommended time before switching sides.
Pro Tip: Keep your eyes fixed on the dumbbell throughout the exercise.
Check out our detailed wood chopper exercise guide!
Floor Wiper
The floor wiper is one of the most challenging exercises in this workout. Beginners can substitute this exercise with the floor windshield wiper until they develop the required core strength to perform this movement with a full range of motion.
- Lie on your back on the floor.
- Extend your arms on your sides and place your hands on the floor for stability.
- Lift your legs off the floor so your heels are a few inches from the ground.
- Contract your core and bring your feet as close to your left hand as possible in a sweeping motion while keeping your legs straight.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat on the right side.
- Alternate between sides for the recommended time.
Pro Tip: As you gain more experience, hold a barbell over your chest for upper-body engagement during this exercise.
Check out our detailed floor wiper exercise guide!
Hollow Hold
The last exercise of the HIIT ab workout takes the intensity down a notch. However, this isometric exercise will leave you with a sore midsection.
- Lie on your back on the floor. Extend your arms overhead.
- Lift your legs, arms, and head off the floor as high toward the ceiling as possible.
- Your body should resemble a “V” during the isometric hold.
- Keep your core contracted throughout the exercise.
- Hold this position for the recommended time.
Pro Tip: Interlacing your fingers while holding the hollow hold position will make the exercise a little easier. However, this technique should only be used by beginners.
Check out our detailed hollow hold exercise guide!
HIIT Ab Workout For a Shredded Midriff
Now that you know the best exercise for a HIIT ab workout, it is time to put them to work. Perform two rounds of the HIIT ab workout circuit given below. Do each exercise for 40 seconds. You are allowed a 20-second rest after completing each exercise to catch your breath. Plus, rest for two minutes before starting the second round. Complete this HIIT workout within 25 minutes.
Exercise | Time (in seconds) | Rest (in seconds) |
High Knees | 40 | 20 |
Mountain Climber | 40 | 20 |
Flutter Kick | 40 | 20 |
Sit-Up | 40 | 20 |
Lying Leg Raise | 40 | 20 |
Bicycle Crunch | 40 | 20 |
Alternating Jackknife | 40 | 20 |
Plank Jack | 40 | 20 |
Side Plank Dip | 30 (each side) | 20 |
Wood Chopper | 30 (each side) | 20 |
Floor Wiper | 40 | 20 |
Hollow Hold | 40 | 120 |
Perform the side plank dip and wood chopper for 30 seconds on each side. Transition to the other side without stopping for rest. You can rest for 20 seconds after doing these exercises for 60 seconds.
Benefits of HIIT Ab Workout
Adding a HIIT ab workout to your training regimen entails the following advantages:
Helps Target the Midriff and Burn More Calories
Studies show that HIIT workouts are more effective than conventional strength training workouts at burning calories, which can help you shed excess fat. Furthermore, the exercises in this HIIT ab workout will target your midsection, helping you achieve a toned midriff [1]. A study also found that HIIT workouts can help reduce body fat and waist circumference. [2]
Improves Endurance and Stamina
HIIT workouts can improve performance in both anaerobic and aerobic activities [3]. Performing the HIIT ab workout detailed in this article for 12 weeks will help improve your endurance and stamina.
Quick and Impactful
HIIT workouts are usually shorter than conventional weight training sessions as you perform each exercise for a specific length of time and rest for a short period between exercises. This training method is excellent for folks with a packed schedule.
Reduce The Risk of Lower Back Pain and Injury
Training your abs will also strengthen your lower back, reducing the risk of lower back pain and limiting the chances of injury while performing compound exercises, such as the deadlift, squat, and good mornings.
Are HIIT workouts better than conventional ab workouts for building a six-pack?
It depends on your current physique and training objectives. HIIT workouts should be favored over the conventional strength training style ab workouts if you need to burn fat while toning your abs. However, if you have a decent body fat percentage, the strength training ab workouts will help you achieve better results and a carved six-pack.
How often should I do the HIIT ab workout?
Since this is a relatively long and intense HIIT ab workout, you should avoid doing it more than twice weekly. Also, you must space them out so that you have 48 hours to recover between your ab workouts.
Can HIIT ab workout help spot reduce body fat?
HIIT workouts cannot help you spot reduce body fat. However, since this is an ab workout, it will help you tone your abs. Plus, HIIT workouts help you burn calories and lose overall body fat, which can reduce abdominal fat over time.
Wrapping Up
The 12 HIIT ab exercises and kickass workout detailed in this article will help you achieve a strong, defined core. This workout will be challenging, so be prepared to push yourself to the limit. Also, you must back up this HIIT ab workout with a balanced diet and recovery program to achieve your dream midsection.
This HIIT ab workout will improve your abdominal strength and definition and also boost your overall fitness level and energy. Keep your training intensity high and focus on your breathing to make the most of this workout. Best of luck!
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- Wewege M, van den Berg R, Ward RE, Keech A. The effects of high-intensity interval training vs. moderate-intensity continuous training on body composition in overweight and obese adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2017 Jun;18(6):635-646. doi: 10.1111/obr.12532. Epub 2017 Apr 11. PMID: 28401638.
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