0:00 – Intro
3:16 – Thoughts on eating salmon, with skin vs without skin.
6:28 – Since Mounjaro acts as agonist on GIP receptors (which are also promoting fat storage) does that make it a bad choice for people on a competition diet? Would Ozempic (only glp1 agonist) be a better solution for that purpose?
9:20 – Dave’s initial thoughts on the NPC’s new “Fit Model” division.
12:00 – How to get a v-taper from the front and back?
14:15 – How to help with a bloated stomach.
18:30 – I’ve been off test for around 10 weeks now after doing 12 months on 400mgs. How long will it take for my receptors to completely reset to get the best results when I cycle back on?
20:38 – Is it ok to do different exercises for each muscle everytime you hit that muscle or should you stick with same exercises for awhile before changing it up. Example for chest 4 exercises one day the next workout you do 4 different exercises machines etc…
24:26 – Got someone who after years of taking Tren with no breaks ended up having to get a kidney transplant now off all gear and have an issues with muscle wasting. He can’t seem to find much information on muscle wasting the only information he can find is in AIDS victims with muscle wasting but he does not have AIDS it’s just he thinks the most wasting is from the kidney transplant perhaps. He thinks GH and anavar will help I would like to get your input on that.
26:01 – There are so many companies that sell pre workouts some good some really bad. In your opinion are they really necessary. Can you still get a good pump and workout without taking any. Sometimes I think it’s in our heads that we need to take a pre.
27:50 – PCT for a first time user (first-time cycle).
29:23 – How do you get rid of lumps in shoulders from site injections?
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