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Seth Feroce and 7 Year Old Daughter Emmi are Both Jacked in Recent Update


Like father like daughter, Emmi and Seth Feroce are absolutely jacked!

Bodybuilding simply isn’t a hobby, at least not to those most serious about the endeavor. For bodybuilders like Seth Feroce it’s a way of life. Never has that been more apparent than now as he highlighted how jacked his daughter Emmi is. At only 7 years old, Emmi Feroce is already in some very impressive shape.

A 212 bodybuilding competitor with a large fan following, Seth Feroce always looked to have his muscles do the talking for him. That said, Seth has been known to speak his mind when he sees fit. As such it has made him one of the most popular bodybuilders out there. His outspoken nature coupled with a candid and honest approach to bodybuilding has garnered him a ton of fanfare.

Recently Seth Feroce embarked on a journey to cut some weight and get into some truly impressive shape. Since undergoing the challenge, Seth Feroce has showcased a form so incredible that many have shown interest in seeing the 212 competitor return to the stage. After all, Seth hasn’t shown any signs of faltering or slowing down. In fact he could potentially be a more impressive version of himself.

Seth’s passion for bodybuilding has steadily become a way of life for the bodybuilder. It’s become such a staple in fact that Seth Feroce appears to be looking to pass on his love for lifting to the next generation.

A recent post to his social media shows that he’s passing the torch over to his daughter Emmi. The two recently appeared in a photo together taken by Seth and in that picture the two looked absolutely jacked.

Like Father, Like Daughter

A young girl of only 7 years of age, Emmi Feroce appears to be off to the races as far as bodybuilding goes. The recent pic showcases Emmi flexing her biceps as her father stands behind her, both smiling brightly. It’s both a heartwarming and eye opening photograph.

Another one being built. ?
Emmi the Monster @eleganceemmi

Emmi is 7.
She eats, sleeps, and breaths Gymnastics.
Fuckin Loooooves Gymnastics! ?

Other hobbies are Snacks, School work, and Watching Planet Earth. ? (Def my kid!)

Raising Hard Working Mother Fuckers!

Working Hard and Having Fun at what they Love to Do!

Doesn’t get much better as a parent!! ?⚒

You can tell both have a great relationship. You can also tell that Seth Feroce has been training his daughter well. She is currently enrolled in gymnastics, but if her love for hitting the iron continues, who knows where she’ll be as she continues to get older.

What do you think of Seth Feroce and his daughter Emmi’s jacked physiques?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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