Ronnie Coleman Watches And Reacts To Funny Gym Fails

Ronnie Coleman recently took some time to check out some crazy/funny gym fails.
If there is one person who knows his way around the gym, it is Ronnie Coleman. The eight-time Olympia champion is considered one of the best bodybuilders of all-time and is still a huge voice in the sport. Coleman has provided some entertaining and informative content on his YouTube channel over time. Recently, he took the entertainment route.
Coleman took some time to watch some hilarious gym fails by gym-goers who look like they forgot they were in public. As you can imagine, an elite lifter like Coleman has plenty to say and there was one phrase that used used quite often:
“What the hell is going on here?”
Some of the videos show lifters performing the exercise in a strange way and some include people doing unorthodox activities. For example, one woman is seen knitting on the leg extension machine. Coleman points out that it looks like she is doing more knitting than working out. There is another gym-goer dressed like Michael Jackson perfecting their moon walk.
“Aw dawn, what the hell? Michael Jackson? That’s a fake ass Michael Jackson right there,” Coleman said.
These are different videos that have made their way around the internet and in the view of Coleman. He has remained in tremendous shape himself in retirement. Coleman has struggled with some health issues and surgeries but continues to work hard in the gym and stay in shape. Coleman has gone through 13 surgeries on different areas of his body. He has worked hard to recover and get back in the gym doing what he loves.
This is why Ronnie Coleman has started to provide wisdom on YouTube. He put together one of the all-time great careers in bodybuilding and he feels like he has plenty to offer. There are different segments where he comments on certain aspects of the sport and even takes questions from fans. Here, Coleman decided to take on more of a light-hearted segment and comment on some funny videos.
Adding humor into content is something that is necessary across any business or angle. That is exactly what Coleman did here and viewers took to it right away. It will be interesting to see if this is worked into the rotation a bit more.
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