Quality Permanent Muscle Gains With IGF 1 lr3

Quality Permanent Muscle Gains With IGF 1 lr3
The Insulin-like Growth Factor is one of the endocrine hormones that is produced in the liver. The release of this hormone increases in the presence of Human Growth Hormone. Numerous cells throughout the muscles of the human body are equipped with cell receptors that have a high affinity for Insulin-like Growth Factor. This makes this hormone one of the best growth hormones and a facilitator of general cell growth which it does by targeting different specific tissues and in more autocrine cell communication processes, it facilitates cell division.
Some Benefits of the Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 and some of the reasons why it has substantial advantages include:
- It facilitates protein synthesis in the body.
- It regulates the storage of fat and channels it to be used for the production of energy. This results in a noticeable fat loss.
- Promotes positive effects on metabolism; increasing lean body mass and decreases fat
- It increases the regenerative properties of the body’s nerve tissues.
- Upregulates anti-oxidant benefit and ligament strength
- It boosts hyperplasia in muscle cells, which leads to fuller muscle tissues.
- Optimal IGF-1 and growth hormone levels are crucial to bone development during childhood and throughout adult life.
IGF 1 – HGH – Peptides Discussion Forum
Why Should You Use IGF-1?
In simple terms, the weight gain that you will experience from the use of IGF-1 is not due to water weight. All your weight gain will be caused by actual muscle growth which is a long-term effect. Compared to steroids which are known for putting on water weight and often leading to adverse side effects, you will not get 10lbs from Insulin-like Growth Factors, but you will acquire solid muscle gain after every one or two weeks which will be composed of actual heavy muscle.
The most important feature of IGF-1 is its ability to cause hyperplasia in the human body. The body of a person who is on steroids goes through hypertrophy, this means that they will only be increasing the size of the existing cells in their muscles. On the other hand, IGF-1 leads to hyperplasia which purports the growth and development of new cells in the muscles. Generally, you will accomplish much more in terms of muscle density and size at a normal genetic level.
Who Should Use IGF-1?
Anyone serious about adding quality lean muscle to their body. In Particular Bodybuilders on steroid cycles will experience more hormone uptake when used alongside igf-1 lr3. Older adults in general whos natural igf-1 levels decline will find the use of igf-1 especially beneficial whether they are on any type of hormone or not.

Variants of IGF-1
There are two groups of IGF variants. These are IGF-1 LR3 and DES IGF-1 (which can also be presented as IGF-1 DES). The half-life of IGF-1 is very short, and because of this, it is quickly destroyed by the body. This is the main reason why IGF-1 was modified to produce an amino acid analog IGF-1 LR3 which has a longer half-life. The other variant of IGF-1, DES IGF-1 is a truncated version of IGF-1 which is up to ten times more potent than IGF-1. Both of these IGF-1 variants are similar to IGF-1 but they have different modes of action. This feature allows them to function together in different and specific ways.
The half-life of IGF-1 LR3 is about 20 – 30 hours. It is more potent than the regular base IGF-1. Because it can be sustained in the body for more than a day, it efficiently binds to cell receptors in the muscle cells and activates cell communication which subsequently improves the growth rate of muscles all day long.
IGF-1 LR3 inhibits the movement of glucose into the body cells which facilitates fat burning and the use of fat in the body for the production of energy. Its long life of close to a day has made it a preferred variant by a majority of patients and physicians because site injections are never necessary. IGF-1 LR3 cycles the whole body and binds to the receptors on muscle cells then acts for about a day, so a daily administration of this dosage is strongly supported.
DES IGF-1 is a shorter version of the base IGF-1 chain. This variant of IGF-1 is five times more potent than the regular base IGF-1. It has a half-life of about twenty to thirty minutes which indicates that it is a very delicate chain. The administration of DES IGF-1 should only be done exactly where you want to experience muscle growth. DES IGF-1 has a higher ability to stimulate hyperplasia in the muscles than IGF-1 LR3. In conclusion, this variant works best when used for site injections and not overall muscle growth.
In addition to these functions, DES IGF-1 is known to bind to receptors, in cells, that have been deformed by lactic acid. Lactic acid is produced in elevated amounts during training and vigorous activities. This characteristic of DES IGF-1 allows it to attach to mutated receptors which signal tissue growth even during training activities. DES can be used more frequently and for a longer time than IGF-1 LR3.
When we check on facts, the growth hormone is actually a precursor to the IGF-1, but why choose IGF-1 over the Growth Hormones? Growth Hormones do not cause direct muscle growth but instead, they facilitate the growth of muscles by signaling the release of the IGF-1. Human Growth Hormone can prove to be very difficult to qualify for. In order to have it be prescribed to you by a physician, you have to be diagnosed with Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Syndrome. You must take and fail a Growth Hormone Stimulation Test which then indicates that your body is not producing growth hormone in response to a stimulus. This makes IGF-1 and its variants a much more viable solution for an athlete, someone losing to drop body fat or even those looking to get back into shape.
Dosing and Injections
This variant of IGF-1 should be taken daily for 7 days in a week. It’s best to take it after a workout. You should dose it at about 20 mcg to 50 mcg. Since IGF-1 has a very short half-life, desensitization will rarely be noticed.
This variant of IGF-1 should be taken daily for 7 days in a week. You should dose it at about 20 mcg to 50 mcg.
DES IGF-1 should be dosed multiple times in a day, most preferably, before you embark on your training activities. You should target specific sites and muscles with a dose of about 50 mcg to 150 mcg. Since DES IGF-1 has a very short half-life, desensitization can rarely be noticed. You should always ensure that you localize your target sites so that you aim at specific muscle groups. If you want to enhance your biceps, you should administer this injection right into your biceps.
Side Effects of IGF-1
It should be well noted that the continuous administration of IGF-1 in high doses has been confirmed to cause hypoglycemia, but in this case, it is not as severe as that caused by insulin. It is also stipulated but highly debated that IGF-1 can increase the size of a tumor in cancer patients. Even though this factor might be true in patients with existing cancer cases, everyone should be aware that IGF-1 does not cause cancer. In fact, the human body requires IGF-1 to regulate heart functions, brain cell stimulation and to improve the functioning of the nervous system.
People with low IGF-1 levels generally have a lower protein count and a smaller lean body mass. This can be very unhealthy. You should also know that whenever you have a headache, you don’t need a whole bottle of painkillers. Equally, whenever you are on this medication, you should make sure that you administer it in the correct way so that you can avoid some ignorant mistakes and adverse side effects.