Philip Ricardo Jr. Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Philip Ricardo Jr.
Philip Ricardo Jr. is an African American and Puerto Rican International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)/Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) natural bodybuilder born on July 29, 1971. Philip Ricardo Jr. is a legend in the sport of natural bodybuilding and has been competing for decades. He’s won Natural Olympia in 2019, 2015, 2008, and 2007, and he’s the reigning Men’s Bodybuilding Grand Masters champion.
Philip Ricardo Jr. is also one of the INBA PNBA athletes who signed a multi-media contract with Generation Iron and Iron Man Magazine.
Below is a complete breakdown of Philipo Ricardo Jr.’s profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimen.
Full Name: Philip Ricardo Jr. | ||
Weight | Height | Date Of Birth |
175-180 lbs (contest), 200 lbs (off-season) | 5’9″ | 07/29/1971 |
Division | Era | Nationality |
Professional Men’s Bodybuilding | 2010 | African American, Puerto Rican |
Philip Ricardo Jr. was born in Rochester, New York, on July 29, 1971. He didn’t always have the muscular and shredded physique he has now. As a kid, Ricardo Jr. was skinny and asthmatic. Despite those adversities, he played Pop-Warner football (favorite sport) in Brooklyn, New York. Philip Ricardo Jr. credits physical activity for relieving him of his asthma and allergies.
When Ricardo Jr. was 13 years old, his father introduced him to weightlifting by getting a plastic weight set for their apartment. He mirrored his dad and performed pushups, sit-ups, and other various exercises.
In 1985, his family moved to Illinois, where he played high school football. The weight training program there helped Ricardo Jr. see dramatic changes in his body. He was slim, lean, and muscular throughout high school.
Philip Ricardo Jr. enlisted in the Marine Corps upon graduating high school in 1989. After boot camp, he was stationed overseas in Iwakuni, Japan, where he worked out at the military base gym with veteran marines. Ricardo Jr.’s co-workers signed up to compete in the Iwakuni Japan Marine Corps Based Bodybuilding Championships without his knowledge his second year overseas.
Despite not knowing how to pose, earring multicolored speedos, and not shaving his body hair, Philip Ricardo Jr. managed to win his weight class. From that day on, Ricardo Jr. was enthralled with the sport of bodybuilding. He loved the experience of receiving a 1st place trophy and being on stage in front of people.
Ricardo Jr. competed in a few small competitions in Japan, then was stationed in San Diego, California. The NPC held military shows, and he saw success in these events (non-drug tested NPC shows).
Philip Ricardo Jr. felt fortunate that he could join the American Bodybuilding Association (ABA) – a drug-free organization that is now known as the INBA PNBA. He continued to compete against the best natural athletes globally with the ABA and had great success. He continued to compete with ABA and other federations to test his limits.
Philip Ricardo Jr. turned pro in 2003 with the PNBA. Since then, he’s competed as a natural bodybuilder for upwards of 20 years and has won professional titles in five different drug-free organizations. Ricardo Jr. has also been a content promoter for the INBA PNBA since 2014 and hosts the Pro/Am Philip Ricardo International Legends Classic in Virginia annually.
Competition History
- 2021 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Grand-Masters Champion
- 2021 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Open 3rd place
- 2021 Mr. America: Professional Men’s Masters 2nd place
- 2019 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Masters Champion
- 2019 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Open Champion
- 2017 IPE Pro Bowl: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2017 PNBA World (Rimini, Italy): Professional Men’s Champion
- 2016 PNBA World (Budapest, Hungary): Professional Men’s Champion
- 2015 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2013 PNBA Natural Mr. Universe: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2012 IFPA Yorton Cup: Professional Men’s 2nd place
- 2012 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s 2nd place
- 2012 NGA Mount Rogers: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2010 IFPA Pro USA: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2010 PNBA Team USA: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2010 IFPA Yorton Cup: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2010 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s 3rd place
- 2008 PNBA Team USA: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2008 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2007 PNBA Team USA: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2007 PNBA Natural Mr. Universe: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2007 PNBA Natural Olympia: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2007 IFPA Yorton Cup: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2006 NPC Team Universe Lt.: Heavyweight 5th place
- 2006 IFPA Cape Cod Naturals: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2006 Musclemania: Superbody Men’s Middleweight and Overall Champion
- 2006 Musclemania Worlds: Professional Men’s 2nd place
- 2006 NGA Professional Natural Mr. Universe: Men’s Champion
- 2005 NPC Southern States Open Lt.: Heavyweight 2nd place
- 2005 IFPA Desert States: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2005 IFPA Cape Cod Naturals: Professional Men’s Champion
- 2004 NPC Max Muscle Naturals: Overall Champion
- 2004 NPC Mr. San Diego Lt.: Heavyweight Champion
- 2004 NPC Miami Open Lt.: Heavyweight 2nd place
- 2004 NPC Team Universe Lt.: Heavyweight 10th place
- 2004 NPC Mr. South Florida Lt.: Heavyweight and Overall Champion
- 2003 Musclemania World: Middleweight 4th place
- 2003 ABA Amateur Natural Universe: Overall Champion
- 2003 PNBA Professional Natural Universe: Overall Champion
- 2002 NPC Max Muscle Naturals Open Lt.: Heavyweight 2nd Place
- 2002 NPC San Diego Open Lt.: Heavyweight 3rd Place
- 2000 NPC Orange County Classic Lt.: Heavyweight 4th Place
- 2000 Musclemania World: Middleweight Champion
- 1999 NPC California State Open Lt.: Heavyweight 4th place
- 1999 NPC All-Armed Forces Lt.: Heavyweight 2nd Place
- 1998 NPC Golds Gym Classic San Diego Open: Light Heavyweight Champion
- 1998 NPC Western Armed Forces Lt. Heavyweight and: Overall Champion
- 1998 ABA Southern California Naturals: Overall Champion
- 1998 ABA Team USA: Medium Class Champion
- 1998 ABA Forever Natural Universe: Overall Champion
- 1998 ABA Natural Universe Open: Medium Class 3rd Place
- 1997 NPC Golds Gym Classic San Diego Novice: Middleweight and Overall Champ
- 1997 NPC Western Armed Forces: Middleweight 2nd Place
- 1996 NPC Southwestern Naturals: Middleweight 3rd Place
- 1995 NPC Western Armed Forces: 3rd Place Middleweight
- 1994 Military Friendship Day Iwakuni Japan: Middleweight Champion
- 1993 Military Friendship Day Iwakuni Japan: 3rd place Middleweight
- 1993 Iwakuni Japan Classic: 2nd place Middleweight
- 1992 Military Friendship Day Iwakuni Japan Middleweight: Champion
Philip Ricardo Jr.’s Workout Plan
Philip Ricardo Jr.’s training split varies from month to month. Now that he’s 50 years old, he has to be wary of his training style to allow his body adequate recovery time for longevity. First, he rotates with heavier weights from a power hypertrophy upper-lower (PHUL) training style. Next, he does a hypertrophy phase, then a volume phase. Lastly, Richardo Jr. does a de-load/high rep phase. (Each phase will last 4-6 weeks).
Below is what a typical workout week looks like for Philip Ricardo Jr.
Day 1 – Legs and Abs
- Squats: 6 sets x 15 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Walking Lunges: 6 sets x 20 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Leg Press: 6 sets x 15 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Calf Raise: 6 sets x 15 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Weighted Sit-up: 6 sets x 20 reps, rest 60 sec.
Day 2 – Chest and Back
- Dumbbell Bench Press: 8 sets x 12 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Lat Pull-downs (Palms Away): 8 sets x 12 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Pec Dec Superset Reverse Pec Deck: 8 sets x 25 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Cable Row: 8 sets x 15 reps, rest 60 sec.
Day 3 – Shoulders and Lower Back
- Seated Barbell Press: 8 sets x 15 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Straight-leg Deadlift: 6 sets x 20 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 6 sets x 20 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Hyperextensions: 6 sets x 25 reps, rest 60 sec.
Day 4 – Rest/Powerlifting
Day 5 – Arms and Back
- Dumbbell Curl: 6 sets x 15 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Cable Tricep Extension: 6 sets x 15 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Wide Grip Chin-up: 6 sets x max reps, rest 90 sec.
- Cable Row/Barbell Row: 6 sets x 20 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Overhead Tricep Extension: 6 sets x 15 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Bent-over Reverse Lateral Raise: 6 sets x 8 reps, rest 60 sec.
- 21’s (Cable/Standing): 6 sets x 21 reps (7 reps ea. sets), rest 60 sec.
Day 6 – Leg and Abs
Day 7 – Shoulders and Abs
- Cable Upright Row (Rope or Bar): 8 sets x 15 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Front Lateral Raise: 8 sets x 15 reps, rest 90 sec.
- Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise: 8 reps x 15 reps, rest 60 sec.
- Bent-Over Reverse Lateral: 8 reps x 15 reps, rest 60 sec.
What Are Philip Ricardo Jr.’s Favorite Exercises?
Philip Ricardo Jr.’s written statement of his favorite exercises:
“Since I love training all body parts, my favorite exercises tend to be tailored to my focus areas through the seasons of my career. When I first started training, squats became my favorite because I had to focus on building my legs, which were my weakness at that time.
After my legs became a strength, I wanted a wider back so lat pulldowns and pull-ups were my favorites. My shoulders also needed more development, so side laterals and rear delt movements were my number one exercises.
At this stage in my career, I have seen that my legs are starting to decline compared to my younger years, so I have been focused on step-lunges and straight-legged deadlifts to awaken the dormant muscles in my glutes and hamstrings without injuring my back with heavy squats.”
Philip Ricardo Jr’s written statement of his nutrition:
“My nutrition during the off-season is very relaxed, yet still structured. I do not count calories in the offseason, and I just make sure that I have a healthy protein source (e.g., chicken, turkey, steak, or protein bar/shake) with each meal. Carbohydrate and fat sources can come from any type of food, and I also allow myself sweets, candies, and desserts if I crave them.
Pre-contest is more structured and I avoid sweets, dairy, and high glycemic carbohydrate sources in my nutrition plan 6 out 7 days a week, but allow a relaxed day early in my contest prep. Since I prefer to do a longer contest prep (20-24 weeks) it allows for events like birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions to eat more relaxed meals guilt-free if needed.
My physique responds well to the shock it receives from a higher sugar or sodium meal once a week if I eat very clean during the week.”
Competition Meal Plan
- Meal 1: 1 medium apple, 1 cup of egg whites with 1 cup of spinach
- Meal 2: 6 oz. ground turkey, 1 cup of brown rice
- Meal 3: 1 cup of oatmeal mixed with 1 scoop whey isolate Protein and 1 scoop of organic greens and reds MADE supplement (ECN)
- Meal 4: 6 oz. ground turkey or chicken breast, 1 cup of brown rice
- Meal 5: 4 oz. turkey or beef, 4 oz. potato or rice, 1 cup green veggies
- Meal 6: 8 oz. Salmon or Tilapia, 1 cup green veggies or salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Regarding supplements, Philip Ricardo Jr. said:
“My supplementation is very basic, and I have been blessed to be sponsored by fellow INBA/PNBA Hall of Fame Men’s Physique Champion, Brandon Stewart with Elite Caliber Nutrition (ECN) and New Dawn Nutrition (NDN).
I use Creatine Monohydrate, Whey Isolate Protein, Organic Greens and Red (fruits and Vegetables), BCAA’s, Omega-3,6,9 & CLA, and Multi-vitamin/extra Vitamin D. Pre-contest, I do use a fat burner and L-Carnitine by ECN.”
Personal Life
Philip Ricardo Jr. is a retired marine and uses the skills he learned in the Marine Corps to work as a contractor fr the government in the Washington D.C. area. He also has his own online coaching business at Team LEGENDS, where he works with about 15 clients at a time. In addition, Ricardo Jr. is a man of faith who is active at his church, Potomac Valley Church of Christ. Above all, Philip Ricardo Jr. is a husband to his wife Kelly Ricardo, a father to a son and three daughters, and a step-father to a step-daughter.