Patrick Moore’s Outlook: Rushing Perfection Will Only Ruin His Physique

Patrick Moore believes he will be one of the best in the sport… but he thinks rushing towards perfection is a mistake.
Patrick Moore is a pro bodybuilder with a lot of hype behind him and a somewhat rollercoaster of a career in past years. After a stellar win in 2019 at the California Pro, his placings have been a bit all over the place. He’s aware of that – and has been on a course correction in 2021 by focusing on less shows and more on improvements. His return to the California Pro 2021 showed just how much progress he’s made with a big win.
Patrick Moore’s physique, when at its best, shows promise of a potential future Olympia champion. Most certainly a top 5 competitor at the every least. That kind of hype can get into someone’s head – but he’s not worried. In fact, he’s in no rush to become the best – despite extreme confidence that he can deliver. In our latest GI exclusive interview, Patrick Moore explains how rushing towards perfection will only hurt his physique – not help it.
Patrick Moore has seen this happen time and time again, he’s almost fallen into this exact same trap himself. Up-and-coming bodybuilders catch a spotlight of hype. They then rush to become the best in the world within one year. They proclaim lofty goals of winning or placing top 5 in their very first Mr. Olympia. Almost always, this doesn’t happen. And a subsequent burnout follows shortly after.
Patrick Moore wants to avoid this. He believes that he has what it takes to become a Mr. Olympia champion – but he’s in no rush to have it happen this year or perhaps even the next. Pro bodybuilding is a long game. It requires muscle maturity, wisdom over many years, and constant tweaking and re-adjusting of contest prep to learn what works and what doesn’t for your specific body.
During a stretch in 2019 through 2020, Patrick Moore was in a sort of a rush. Or as he puts it, he was in a nearly year long contest prep. This was because he felt the need to do too many shows in a year. For his body specifically, the number of shows he competed in was not what was best for his physique. He suffered, his placings suffered. Add in a pandemic that re-adjusted the 2020 schedule – and his physique (and mind) was burnt out.
Going into 2021, Patrick Moore had a renewed mindset. He wanted to complete in less shows and focus more on improving his training, diet, and contest prep. So far, his renewed tactic seems to be working. He returned to the California Pro and reclaimed his champion title. Now he has his eyes focused squarely on the Mr. Olympia.
During our conversation, we asked Patrick Moore if he feels pressure to deliver. To become the perfect champion that many fans see is possible in his physique. Moore admits that he has an extreme drive to compete and win – but he’s learned to not feel the pressure when it comes to becoming the best. He finds that giving into that pressure leads to rushing your progress. Rushing past what is best for your body only leads to a drop in quality – not improvements.
That’s not to say he’s not working his ass off. He is – but he understands that patience is also a virtue. He can’t will himself into progressing faster than what’s right for his body. He has extreme confidence in his abilities – and wants to follow the plan through rather than rush it for extra size. He believes if he follows the plan – he’ll be Olympia champion in the future.
He also points out that bodybuilding is in a transitionary period right now. There are still some long-running pro bodybuilders competing that will soon drop out in upcoming years. He means this not as a criticism of them but as a fact of life. The new generation is rising – instead of rushing to beat the past generation, Moore wants to focus on what’s best for himself and let time treat him kindly.
“I don’t feel that much pressure there as to speed up because what I see what’s happening with a lot of the guys… A lot of guys that are older than me are close to being done,” Patrick Moore states in our interview. He goes on:
“And that’s not to be disrespectful to them. They’ve been here a long time. So I say that like their physiques aren’t changing a whole, whole lot because they are kind of maxed. They get more dense, they get harder because they have a lot of muscle. For me, I’m still growing and I feel like if I rush that process – then I can end up destroying my physique. And I think that’s what makes me a good prospect is that my physique is different especially in the open class. A lot of guys aren’t built the way I am.”
You can watch Patrick Moore go into full detail about his strategy to rise in the ranks of pro bodybuilding by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!