Chris Bumstead Shares New Bulking Diet For 2022 Olympia

Chris Bumstead shares new bulking diet for Olympia prep.
Reigning Classic Physique Olympia champion Chris Bumstead recently shared his update bulking diet ahead of the 2022 show. Bumstead hopes to reign long as Olympia king. With that in mind he’s decided to try a different approach to his bulking diet. Bumstead has chosen to implement more carb cycling this time around and cut out a few foods that were throwing him off.
Experimenting With New Concepts
Sometimes a little experimentation can go a long way. Athletes who are rigid, who unable to view the game from a different angle, usually get left in the dust. Why? In order to evolve to the next level you can’t be afraid of trying new things. Those who reach the top regardless of the endeavor understand that in order to see continued growth you have to have great habits. They also understand when to keep things the same and when to experiment with a new approach.
According to reigning Classic Physique Olmypia champion Chris Bumstead, that’s exactly what he’s leaning into now.
With the 2022 Olympia ahead of him, Chris Bumstead is looking to try a different approach to his off season diet. While he is still intending to bulk and pack on new muscle ahead of the show, the champ has been considering carb cycling as apart of his bulking strategy.
Chris Bumstead touched on this in a recent YouTube video. The video delves into his new approach to eating and how his 5000 calorie diet is shaping up these days.
“I’m not eating as much food as I always do in my off-season, so I’m testing long-term carb cycling. I ate a lot to get up to what I wanted, and I brought it down slightly, and my body maintained that weight, but I felt a lot better.”
The New Approach
Chris Bumstead mentions in the video that he’s been avoiding eggs as they’ve been giving him stomach issues lately. As such he’s taken them out of his diet and he reports that he’s feeling better. Experimentation with food is key for anyone looking to pack on muscle.
Meal 1: Breakfast
- Organic bagels, cinnamon raisin remix (Dave’s killer bread, 2 toasted bagels) — 540 calories
- Ghee butter, Himalayan pink salt (4th & heart, 5 tsp) — 225 calories
- Vanilla oatmeal cookie iso-protein dietary supplement (CBUM, 2 scoops, 70 grams) — 220 calories
Total Calories: 985
Meal 2: Lunch
“I was eating like 350 grams of rice, and it was kind of hard to eat. So I decided to put olive oil in and a little bit of less rice… It honestly helped a lot with my digestion, and it also helped with my energy. If I ate 400 grams of rice, I’d be falling asleep.”
- Ground turkey (185 grams) — 274 calories
- Boiled white rice (300 grams) — 390 calories
- Olive oil (15 grams) — 133 calories
Total Calories: 796
Meal 3: Pre-Workout
Chris Bumstead has a pre-made frozen steak meal for his third of course of the day. This meal consists of a 7 ounce steak as well as 2.5 cups of sweet potato for a whopping 700 calorie meal. After this Bumstead goes to training.
Meal 4: Post-Workout
- Brown rice elbow pasta (Tinkyada, 180 grams) — 668 calories
- Ground beef (100 grams) — 179 calories
- Ground turkey (100 grams) — 148 calories
- Marinara sauce tomato (STEFANO, 250 ml) — 160 calories
- Peanut Butter Bar — 340 calories
Total Calories: 1,494
Meal 5: Dinner
For his final meal of the day Chris Bumstead once again has some ground turkey (120 grams) with rice (290 grams). Bumstead indicated that he eats less meat in this meal since its right before bed and would prove difficult to digest through the night.
To see Chris Bumstead go through his full day of eating check it out here.
What do you think of Bumstead’s new bulking diet?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.