Nicotine Pre Workout Enhances Muscle Concentration


- Nicotine stimulates the release of catecholamines, which helps to burn body fat. Study here and here.
- Nicotine activates uncoupling proteins in mice, mitigating obesity. Study here.
- Nicotine increases leptin (hormone that inhibits hunger) in rats. Study here.
- Nicotine stimulates skeletal muscle mTOR (pathway of growth). Study here.
- Nicotine is a nootropic (enhancing cognitive function). It has been shown to significantly improve working memory in rats. Study here and here.
- Nicotine suppresses appetite. Study here.
- Nicotine combined with caffeine further suppresses appetite. Study here.
- “One milligram of nicotine has a pronounced thermogenic effect (increasing metabolism), which can be increased by approximately 100% by adding 100 mg caffeine.” Study here.The Pre-Workout Stack
Recommended doses:
- Using nicotine gum or lozenges, consume 1-2 mg at times you want increased cognition, suppressed appetite, and enhanced metabolism. For me, this is in the morning during mentally taxing work and/or pre-workout. I’d advise not consuming more than 4 mg per day. Some bodybuilders like Ben Pakulski only consume it a few times per week. Experiment yourself.
Note: Much of the research on the downsides of nicotine come from smokers (who have super high doses of nicotine daily). Taking 2-4 mg per day isn’t likely to cause the same issues. Among 22 smokers, “Daily intake of nicotine averaged 37.6 mg (+/- 17.7, SD) but varied widely among subjects (10.5 to 78.6 mg)”. Study here.