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Nick Walker Shares Back Workout Used During Offseason To Build Incredible Size


Nick Walker continues his offseason prep for the Olympia with huge workouts including this one to build his back.

Nick Walker put together an incredibly successful rookie season and it now one of the top performers in bodybuilding. He decided early on to put all of his focus into the 2022 Olympia and he is doing just that. Walker recently shared a huge back workout that will build width and thickness.

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Walker finished as the Arnold Classic champion last year before finishing fifth in his first Olympia in October. He is looking to build off this performance and it was the reason he did not defend his title in Columbus this year.

The Mutant has decided to make some changes this offseason. That includes increasing his number of rest days and training different body parts together. This session, he hit a massive back workout and ended with some hamstring work. Walker shared the workout on his YouTube page where viewers can watch and see what he has to say on the regimen.

Cable Pull-Downs

The workout began with cable pulldowns as a way to warm up the muscles in the back. He explained that this is a way to “get the lats fired up” before going into the rest of the workout. Walker hit cable pulldowns for five sets of 12-15 reps. He performed the reps slowly, which is a method he uses often to focus on technique and exhaust the muscles more and more.

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Bent Over Reverse-Grip Barbell Rows

Nick Walker moved to the upper back next and bent over reverse-grip rows were on the list. He performed this exercise with a barbell and worked up to 315 pounds at the end. The barbell row is a favorite of many to build the upper back and Walker decided to hit it with a reverse grip. He performed a few reps before getting up to his final weight for 10 reps.

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

One-arm dumbbell rows are a way to isolate each side of the back. Walker was ready right away here with no arm up needed. He performed two sets of 12-15 reps using the 150-pound dumbbell. This was a quick part of the workout before he moved onto the next item.

Drive-Piece Machine Rows

Nick Walker continued with more rows bu this was a bit more in-depth. He decided to mess around with the degree and extent of resistance during this exercise. Walker hit two sets to warm up before taking on his new method.

“I’m going to hit them with the 10-10-10… Pin it from where it makes harder to stretch. Then we’re going to do 10 when it’s harder to stretch in the shortened position. Then 10 when it is hard in the whole thing.”

Seated Free-Motion Cable Pull-Down

This exercise saw four sets. ick Walker began with his first working set then took on a rest-pause method. He performed 15 reps followed by 15 seconds of rest. Walker then did five more reps, rested 15 seconds, then finished with four reps. This machine had the pulleys wide, which allowed for a better range of motion.

Machine Rows

One set of machine rows ended the workout. Walker once again performed the rest-pause method. He began with 10 reps before resting 15 seconds then finished with some more reps.

Nick Walker decided to hit hamstrings before leaving the gym. He completed lying leg curls and belt squat RDL to target the back of the legs.

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