Nick Walker Pays Tribute to the Late Shawn Rhoden

Nick Walkers pays tribute to Shawn Rhoden.
During his recent guest posing, Nick Walker took the time to pay tribute to the late Shawn Rhoden who passed away this past weekend. The up and coming bodybuilder gave a heartfelt speech paying respects to the Rhoden who had a massive influence on not only Walker but many other prospective bodybuilders.
The bodybuilding world is still reeling from the passing of 2018 Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden. His death was not only sudden but a reminder that even those we hold as examples of strength and health can still pass away suddenly. The cause of Rhoden’s death was declared to be from a heart attack. A truly sad and shocking turn of events.
One of the most complete bodybuilders in the modern era, Shawn Rhoden brought a classic touch to the stage. His physique was balanced, muscular, and absolutely shredded. He was the epitome of a well put together bodybuilder with an aesthetic frame. His victory at the 2018 Olympia sparked a major shift in the industry as he was able to overcome the nigh unbeatable Phil Heath, effectively ending his Olympia reign.
Shawn Rhodes was a true inspiration to those aspiring to step on stage. While he was by no means a mass monster, Rhoden was able to contend with the best of the best with his own brand of modern bodybuilding. Those fans who appreciated the classic silhouette of Golden Era bodybuilding appreciated Shawn Rhoden.
Many figures in the bodybuilding world were also influenced by Shawn Rhoden. One such competitor is 2021 Arnold Classic champion Nick Walker. On the rise in the Open Bodybuilding division, Walker continues to impress as he gains more and more momentum.
Nick Walker most recently performed a guest posing routine to showcase his current physique.
Tribute to a Legend
But Nick Walker didn’t only pose at the show. The up and comer took time to give praise and tribute the fallen Shawn Rhoden who played an influence on his own rise through the ranks.
R.I.P let’s all hug all loved ones a little extra not just today but everyday.
Powerful words from Nick Walker indeed. The Generation Iron team again extends condolences to the family and friends of Shawn Rhoden.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.