Most Beta Ecdysterone Supps Fail Tests

I found a study published early last year that tested beta-ecdysterone supplements for quality. Most failed. Surprise, surprise. So I published a podcast discussing the study. Because there are bigger problems than a few lousy supplement companies who buy their products from China!
Here is the study.

Now of course I sell Vemo Herb’s Beta Ecdy product because I believe it’s the highest quality in the world. Here are some of the lab tests that they conducted. It’s a PDF download.
Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.