TikToker Shows Off Severe Back Acne After Using Steroids for 4 Months: “It Feels Pretty Terrible”

TikToker John Joshua James is determined to keep building muscle with steroids despite some unwanted side effects. In a recent TikTok video, James showed off his scarred and inflamed back from acne following four months of continued PED use.
Whether fans or athletes like it, steroids have influenced sports for generations. From the steroid eras in baseball to bodybuilding, athletes are willing to go to great lengths to achieve an edge over their competition.
While these compounds have utility, some believe people take steroid use too far. This topic often surfaces in bodybuilding because athletes are known for using substances to enhance their muscle-bound physiques. However, these measures have consequences. This is something Seth Feroce has tackled head-on. In a series of YouTube videos and Instagram posts last year, Feroce warned whoever would listen about the harmfulness of steroids.
In addition to Feroce, Kali Muscle, a popular fitness influencer and bodybuilder, issued a grave warning about steroid abuse. Simply put, Kali Muscle believes steroids ‘will make you die young.’ Moreover, he expressed concern for athletes in the IFBB Pro League, who are forced to use such drugs to keep up with their contemporaries.
Even though he’s not a bodybuilder, TikToker John Joshua James is eager to add muscle fast. And while he has a very severe case of bacne, it appears he has no desire to taper off or eliminate steroids from his routine. Check out his severe back acne from a few months of using gear below.
“Steroids in Four Months Have Done This To My Back” – TikToker Reveals Harsh Side Effects from Gear
According to James, the back acne feels ‘terrible all the time,’ but mentioned he has no intention of stopping. He shared that his cycle has allowed him to train more frequently.
4th month on the juice? #bodybuilding #steroids #fitness pic.twitter.com/Ecycn5EGIb
— Johnathon J. James (@John_J_James) April 29, 2023
“Steroids in four months have done this to my back and I gotta say, it’s worth it. After doing a bit of research, I found out that steroids actually give you back acne and it’s not great. My back is completely covered in scars and it feels pretty terrible all the time, but I do like being able to go to the gym more. I finally hit 180 pounds, so I’m going to keep doing them.”
#gym #fitness #steroids pic.twitter.com/UD0odD0Gbx
— Johnathon J. James (@John_J_James) May 11, 2023
“Steroids have not only made my back look like a bit of strawberry shortcake but they’ve also made my shoulders way bigger than my arms. The first day I went to the gym is the first day I started doing steroids. It’s not hard to tell. Not because I don’t have any muscle to speak of but because I have all the symptoms,” the TikToker shared.
John Joshua James’ TikTok video immediately went viral after he published it online. He started his fitness journey at 150 pounds and achieved his goal of reaching 180 pounds. Some fans have questioned whether or not he’s telling the truth about his steroid use.
Eventually, James’ video got the attention of Derek of the More Plates More Dates YouTube channel. According to Derek, he’s not convinced the TikToker is using gear, which he said would make him the first ‘fake, fake natty.’
“I think this is an interesting, probably a first time ever if I’m correct, of a guy that is a fake, fake natty. Does that even make sense? He is faking being on gear. That is what I think is going on.”
“I do see this style of video he is doing… the really aggressive. I almost feel like I’m watching a Mr. Beast intro to a video but it’s about a guy doing gear that has never worked out in his life. This is the imrpession I get. This is a viral focused endeavor, and the entire page is centered around this: ‘started juice when I started working out,” Derek of More Plates More Dates said.

The last time Derek of MPMD tackled a ‘natty or not’ topic, he took a closer look at popular influencer Andrew Tate’s physique. After fans accused Tate of using TRT or steroids after getting out of jail, the 36-year-old issued a fiery message on Twitter where he stressed that he’s never touched any PEDs. Derek thought the evidence pointed to Andrew Tate having a natural body.
John Joshua James’s story shows that steroid use alone will not result in dramatic muscle gain. Building an ideal physique is a calculated effort that requires hard work, discipline, nutrition, and a holistic training approach.
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