Microdosing Deca & Test

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I’ve seen some results (not me) from a 14 week microdosing cycle of deca (Nandrolone Decanoate) and test cypionate. The recomp effect was actually pretty good at the below listed dosages. Reportedly, these were the only compounds used (+Anastrozole) and the sides were non-existent. The goal (met) was recomp and to avoid deca sides as much as possible. The subject only had access to deca and test cyp.
The dosage was 40/40 ED of test/deca.
My question is does this protocol even make sense at all considering the half life (etc.) of Deca? Without seeing it myself in-person, I would think this would not be a good use of those compounds but it appeared to be a very positive experience.
The primary hormone for male characteristic development, including body hair and muscular development, made in the testes or synthetically created in a lab.
Abbreviation for Deca Durabolin, it’s a popular bulking compound of Nandrolone mixed with the long acting ester Decanoate.
Every day.
The amount of a specific drug you are taking.