Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Michal Krizo Krizanek Victorious At 2021 Siberian Power Show

Mass Monster Michal Križo Križánek pulls away with a first-place finish at the 2021 Siberian Power Show over the weekend. The competition saw many impressive physiques take to the stage however there could be only one winner at the IFBB Pro League event.

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Križánek won the 2018 Arnold Classic Europe Pro Show and has proven to be a serious threat to competition and this must have been an amazing feeling to add another show to his resume.

Meanwhile, 29-year-old Belarussian top contender Ilya Lukovets took second place bringing a massive physique while Denis Bazhanov also made the podium with a third-place finish at the event.

It was clear who the top guys were at the event but all of the competitors showed up for battle at the Siberian Power Show.

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For the women’s side, veteran competitor Yana Smith Kuznetsova came out on top in the Bikini division.

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Open division placings

  1. Michal Križo Križánek
  2. Ilya Lukovets
  3. Denis Bazhanov
  4. Stanimir Etov
  5. Aleksei Kuznetsov
  6. Anton Gerasimov

Classic Physique placings

  1. Adrian Cyronek
  2. Sergey Serechsev
  3. Boris Palovič
  4. Artem Andreev
  5. Andrey Shevtsov
  6. Aleksandr Kudelevich

Also read: Real Muscle is Built With Real Bodybuilding Routines


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