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Melvin Anthony’s Behind The Scenes Account Of Jay Cutler Defeating Ronnie Coleman At Olympia 2006


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Melvin Anthony shares his first hand story of seeing Jay Cutler defeat Ronnie Coleman for the first time.

Ronnie Coleman is a bodybuilder of legends. He’s arguably the greatest bodybuilder to ever live. So of course, the moment when he was finally defeated from his Mr. Olympia reign was a noteworthy one. The man to take down Coleman was Jay Cutler – who went on to win four Mr. Olympia titles. Many bodybuilding fans have seen the footage – but only a small number of people were there in person for this historic moment. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Melvin Anthony shares his behind the scenes first hand account of Jay Cutler’s victory over Ronnie Coleman at Olympia 2006.

Melvin Anthony was competing at the Mr. Olympia in 2006. So not only was he in person to witness Ronnie Coleman’s defeat after eight Mr. Olympia wins, he was also behind the scenes in the events leading up to it. That’s why in our video interview, we asked Anthony to break down what that experience was like. Was it clear from the beginning that Jay Cutler would take down The King? Or was it a surprise for even the competitors?

Melvin Anthony admits that his perception on the moment is slightly skewed. He was competing himself – and so he had tunnel vision due to the hunger for victory. He wasn’t worrying whether or not Jay Cutler could beat Coleman. He instead was focused on being the one to beat Coleman himself.

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Despite this, Melvin Anthony had some interesting stories to tell about the Olympia 2016. Once Anthony saw Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman pose – he knew that he wouldn’t be able to take the first place spot. It’s at this moment he was able to focus on the battle between Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman with more focus.

Was he surprised that Ronnie Coleman lost? No, not really. This isn’t because it was obvious he would lose. It was because in a sport like bodybuilding – anything can happen between competitors at this top tier level. In fact, Melvin Anthony believes that Jay Cutler had a better physique in previous years. Cutler only lost because he lost the mental game.

Melvin Anthony describes a moment from a previous Olympia, when Ronnie Coleman came out to warm up backastage and, according to Anthony, you could see Coleman’s size grow as he got pumped up. It was in that moment that Jay Cutler go psyched out. By having his mental game thrown off – his physique diminished and he lost to Coleman.

Anthony believes that Jay Cutler’s physique was slightly less on point in 2006 – but his mental game was completely on point. It helped take down Ronnie Coleman. The moment was a big one. It was the passing of the torch and the end of an era for one of the longest running Mr. Olympia champions. Everyone knew that day that there would never be another like Ronnie Coleman.

You can watch Melvin Anthony go into full detail about his behind the scenes experience of Ronnie Coleman vs Jay Cutler in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

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