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Melle Mel Claims He Often Trains In The Gym Drunk Without Hurting His Performance


Melle Mel has no problem weightlifting and training drunk.

Melle Mel is most famous as a rapper and member of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. But he is also known still in his later years for his impressive physique and dedication towards bodybuilding. He doesn’t compete – but has a passion for bodybuilding. But one surprising admission he made during our conversation is that he often trains drunk. Not only that – but it doesn’t negatively affect his performance. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Melle Mel details why he trains drunk and how he is able to still maintain a muscular physique.

Melle Mel is used to the party and hip hop lifestyle. It’s what he’s known for majority of his life. So it might come as only a slight surprise that even to this day, he parties hard at night. So much so that he is sometimes still drunk the next day. He doesn’t get hangovers, he just stays drunk into the morning until it wears off.

The problem with that is he often trains in the morning. Well, perhaps it’s not really a problem, at least not according to Melle Mel. He claims to have no issue training drunk at all. In fact, he is still able to train to full capacity and maintain his physique.

We asked him how he pulls that off, as alcohol not only dehydrates the body, but also injects a lot of carbs that could have a negative impact on a person’s physique. Melle Mel claims that there are two reasons he is able to train while drunk. One is due to his familiarity with the party lifestyle his entire life. The other is due to not consuming carbs in his regular diet (except for the alcohol).

Watch our latest GI Exclusive segment with Melle Mel above!

This allows him to have fun, enjoy life, and still maintain a muscular physique. He’s able to train effectively in the gym because he mentally is used to operating successfully while drunk. He admits that this is not something other people should do. It’s a unique situation to his lifestyle. He knows that genetically and simply through normal life experience – that people should not train drunk in the gym.

Surprisingly, Melle Mel has the opposite opinion about marijuana and training in the gym. It’s been more openly discussed how bodybuilders find it helpful to train while high. Melle Mel doesn’t see how that’s possible. From his experience smoking weed, he can’t see effectively training at all. Again, he admits that every person and body is different.

Melle Mel hasn’t smoked marijuana in quite a while. He’s not sure if weed simply has changed over the years or if his personal reaction simply doesn’t work for training. So as it stands now – for Melle Mel, and perhaps only for Melle Mel, drinking is his preferred drug of choice for working out.

You can watch Melle Mel go into full detail in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

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