Martyn Ford is Concerned Iranian Hulk Would Kill Himself If They Fought

Martyn Ford thinks Iranian Hulk will kill himself if they fought.
Martyn Ford claims to be concerned about the mental health of the Iranian Hulk stating that he wouldn’t want to be responsible for the strongman killing himself. After the sudden cancellation of their fight both Ford and the Hulk continue to deal with the fallout.
The strange roller coaster ride between Martyn Ford and The Iranian Hulk continues to truck along. While they may not be fighting any longer the two continue to hurl insults and vitriol each other’s way. You can’t blame them really. The two have made their bout personal and as such they’re having a hard time walking away.
In fact recent comments made by Martyn Ford has raised some eyebrows. Recently Ford told the Mirror that he was concerned about his would be opponent’s mental health.
Concern From a Rival
In the midst of the aftermath of their failed meeting in the boxing ring, Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk continue their war of words. But now a new wrinkle has been introduced to the story; a wrinkle of concern?
Apparently Martyn Ford claims to be concerned that the Hulk would harm himself if they ever fought. Ford implies that he’d beat the Iranian strongman so thoroughly that the latter would actually contemplate suicide.
“I have genuine concerns about his mental health and how he’s feeling,” said Martyn Ford. “It is who I am. I can’t fight someone who I genuinely believe can take his own life after the fight.
“As an outsider people might say, ‘What are you on about?’ But from someone who was there, who saw him and the way he crumbled. We had a face-off and it was one little push. I looked in his eyes and then turned around and said to the guys, ‘There is no fight’.
“What happened afterwards I already felt bad about, the amount he got bullied and his reaction to being bullied breaking down on National TV. Then his parents came out and said ‘we don’t want anything to do with you, you are weak’. Then on Instagram Live when he turned around and said he hates Iranians and wants to end his life. I just thought, ‘No I can’t be a part of this’.”
This rivalry has certainly taken a turn. If Martyn Ford is to be believed, he claims to be genuinely concerned about the Iranian Hulk and his mental state.
Continued Training
Despite the boxing match being called off Martyn Ford is continuing to embrace the lifestyle. Ford is still training hard and apparently still plans to fight at some point in the future.
“I am still training, only thing I am not doing is active sparring. I have switched back into its resistance and explosive power. If something does happen which I am hoping I can sign up too soon, I have been training and dedicating so much time and effort to it.”
What do you think about Martyn Ford and his recent comments about the Iranian Hulk?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.