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Martins Licis to Host Behind The Scenes Look at 2021 World’s Strongest Man


Martins Licis is playing host at a behind the scenes event for this year’s World’s Strongest Man.

It appears that 2019 World’s Strongest Man champion Martins Licis is taking on a new role in his strongman career. The 2019 champ is set to be a behind the scenes host of the 2021 World’s Strongest Man alongside Nick English.

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The World’s Strongest Man is sure to be an interesting experience this year. The competition will again feature the best strongman competitors in the game. These are literally some of the strongest human beings walking the Earth today.

The World’s Strongest Man is a lens to see these men perform feats of strength in a manner that no other strength sport can provide. The storylines are already developing for the show taking place in Sacramento, California. One of those storylines is if the young Oleksii Novikov can repeat this year.

Novikov is one of the youngest champions to win the World’s Strongest Man. It will be intriguing to see if he can pull off another victory in 2021. But besides the competition itself, another storyline has been developing.

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2019 World’s Strongest Man Martins Licis will host a behind the scenes look at the 2021 show.

Taking On A New Role

Adding his name to the list of World’s Strongest Man champions in 2019, Martins Licis has since been sitting on the sidelines for quite some time now. Injuries and the global health crisis have kept him out of competition, but he’s been spending his time wisely. Now it appears that he has a new gig and that’s hosting the behind the scenes look at this year’s WSM.

So does taking this new gig mean that Martins Licis is hanging it up? According to the 2019 champ, that’s far from the case.

“After competing for many years, putting in the work and being in the grind, I’m grateful to sit back and support World’s Strongest Man as part of the online show this year,” said Licis. “Make no mistake, I’ll be coming back soon to smash some weights and take back the throne! However in the meantime, I’m excited to see who the champion will be, and which athletes will rise in this battle against gravity.”

“World’s Strongest Man: BACKSTAGE LIVE presented by SBD” is set to premiere on Thursday, June 3, 2021 along with a preview show. Daily coverage will follow from there covering the events of the 2021 WSM.

What do you think of Martins Licis and his new hosting role? Will you be tuning into the 2021 World’s Strongest Man?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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