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Make A Change To Make Some Gains


There are plenty of ways to make changes for some massive gains.

So with the new year creeping up on us now, change is imminent, and change for many of us, tends to be a positive thing. 

So why not start your new year with a bang by changing up your routine and kicking your own butt in the process! Trust me, you will thank me for it later.

I have listed some exercises that are not necessarily ones that will promote hypertrophy but they will elevate your heart rate and help you add something different into your armory, as every workout routine needs a change.

So here we go!

Tyre (Tire) Flips

For those of you whose gym has a tyre, then great as this is a perfect compound movement that mimics the deadlift but also adds the explosive element of pushing the tyre.

Alternative Option

For those of you that do not have a tyre and want to do this in your gym, a great alternative to use is a soft plyo box. It won’t land the same but it will still give you a great workout.

Half Turkish Get Ups

This workout is one you may not see that often in your local gym but it is great exercise for developing a strong core, improving shoulder strength and stability, honing your coordination skills.

Here is how it is done:

Full Turkish Get Ups

Now the full version means you get to stand up, so complete the half version and instead of thrusting into a bridge position, simply

KB Waiters Carry

This is a great workout for again increasing core strength and stability, here is how it is done:


Suitcase Carry – Again with one kettlebell, this time it will be by your side mimicking that of carrying a suitcase. 

Ensure core stability and ensure you keep your torso vertical and both deltoids level. If you feel the side with the weight dropping down then compensate accordingly so both sides are level. 

Again walk to one side of the room, switch hands at the hand then walk back accordingly.

Farmers Carry – This time you get to a kettlebell in each hand.

Similar to the suitcase carry, core strength and stability is crucial and keeping the torso vertical.

Ensure both deltoids are level on either side also.

Similar to the other two exercises, walk in a straight line with perfect from then repeat again accordingly.

Sledgehammer Tyre Slams

So for this you will need a tire and a sledgehammer.

This exercise is great for coordination, and a great compound movement and a perfect way to release any anger of frustration.

Simply hit the tyre with the sledgehammer, that is as simple as it gets.

Discus Twist

This is my own workout and is similar to the low to high cable woodchopper, and it is great for the obliques and promoting explosiveness. 

So there you have it, a few new exercises to keep you entertained and some you may want to add to your routine permanently. 

So until next time, keep pumping and happy holidays!

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