Lauralie Chapados’ “Meathead Meal Plan” for Bikini Bodybuilding Success

Professional bikini bodybuilders are judged on muscle balance, shape, and aesthetics. Bikini competitors use a rigorous diet regimen to achieve the coveted beach look, which includes sculpted shoulders, a tight waistline, and shapely glutes.
On the Oct. 20, 2023, episode of The Mike O’Hearn Show, the two-time Bikini International champion Lauralie Chapados shared the details of her 2023 Olympia cutting-phase diet plan. At the time of recording, Chapados was 20 days out from the 2023 Bikini Olympia, scheduled for Nov. 2-5 in Orlando, FL. Check out Chapados below, courtesy of Generation Iron’s YouTube channel:
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Lauralie Chapados’ 2023 Olympia Shredding Diet Plan
Here is a snapshot of Chapados’ five-meal cutting phase diet:
Meal One
- Oatmeal
- Egg whites
“I believe training goes first, [not] diet,” said Chapados, explaining how she thinks about dropping calories during the cutting phase. “I try to feed into my workouts.”
Chapados increases her calorie intake on high-volume training days to avoid entering a catabolic state. She doesn’t cut her calorie intake substantially, as that could hamper her workout performance.
Meal Two
- Sweet potato
- Chicken
Chicken breast is a staple in Chapados’ daily diet. It is featured in four of her five meals.
Meal Three
- Chicken
- Avocado
Chapados doesn’t track her daily macros. Instead, she switches between different carb, fat, and protein sources while maintaining consistent food volume.
Meal Four
- Chicken
- Egg whites
- Avocado
Chapados avoids carbs in her third and fourth meals during a cut to expedite fat loss.
Meal Five
- Brown rice — 40 grams
- Chicken — four ounces
Chapados emphasized the importance for women to consume healthy fats during the cutting phase to help maintain healthy hormone levels and promote better digestion. Chapados eats at least 25 percent of her daily calorie intake from healthy fats.
If I’m not able to have [healthy fats] all the way through the prep, I’m not doing the show.
Chapados established specific diet standards. Deviating from them negatively impacts her performance in competitions. Chapados opined that she was too lean and muscular at the 2022 Olympia. The judges rewarded athletes with fuller aesthetics. As a result, Chapados ranked fifth overall — a three-rank drop from her silver medal in 2021.
Chapados ran with the judges’ feedback. She was eight pounds heavier at the 2023 Arnold Classic, which helped her secure her second consecutive Bikini International title. Chapados took a four-month off-season after that contest to recover. She started her Olympia prep 19 weeks out. The 2023 Olympia will be Chapados’ sixth-consecutive Olympia appearance.
Featured image: @lauraliechap on Instagram
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