The Secret To Overload Training

Time to push your training over the edge and into the next level.
When your typical training routine just isn’t cutting it, you can always count on Generation Iron to bring you something to freshen things up a bit. Overload training is a great method to get some gains without just completing the typical three sets of ten reps basic program. Overload training is great for building strength and putting on mass as well. Overload training forces your body to get used to the increased effort and stress you put your body through in order to increase hypertrophy. But how exactly do you go about overload training? We’ve got you covered.
1. Form and ROM
First thing’s first. When it comes to overload training you have to make sure your technique is in tip top form. Things like form and rang of motion don’t really sound sexy, but neither do the words slipped disk. Injury is the enemy of gains and if you want to to make some you’re going to have to get your technique down when it comes to lifting. Once you’ve perfected the mechanics of a lift then practicing to obtain full range of motion will be the next priority. This will enable you to attack a muscle group from all different angles and activate all the muscle fibers you’re looking to attack.
2. Increase Volume
Once your form is clean then the logical next step is to increase the amount of reps and/or sets. By now your body has gotten used to the weight that you’ve been hauling. The pump that you used to experience has slowly begun to fade away and you’re feeling like you’ll never experience it again. Don’t put down those weights quite yet. Up the volume on your lifts and you’ll find yourself not only experiencing hypertrophy, but building strength and muscle endurance as well.
3. Increase Weight
You can’t just rely on increasing your reps to get bigger. There’s going to come a time when you’ll have to up the weight you’re lifting. But this doesn’t mean you should go from 75 lbs dumbbells to 200 lbs. Instead you’ll be lifting a higher amount of weight and decreasing the volume. Say you’re pushing 225 lbs on the bench for 10 reps, increase the weight to 250 lbs and perform 8 reps. Then up it to 275 lbs and 6 reps and so on until you reach your one rep max.
4. Intensity
It’s gotta be said. If you want to see some major changes in your physique then you’re going to have to train hard. The intensity of your workout has a part to play in the amount of muscle you’ll pack on from training. This is where the form, the increased volume, and increased weight comes into play. Combining all these factors as well as performing the same amount of reps/sets in a shorter time or a greater amount of reps in the same amount of time for an average lifting regimen will in affect make for a more intense workout.
5. Frequency
The amount of time you work a muscle group per week is also important to getting the full benefit from overload training. If you’re one of those hit the gym three times a week kind of guys then you’re going to have to change things up for overload training. Get in the gym five days a week so that you’re constantly training a muscle group on each day of the week. There’s nothing better than consistency when it comes to training.
What are your thoughts on overload training? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.